Welcome to Scramble

November 2024

This month we have two articles for you. One is The KZ Story, and for those with an interest in historic aviation, the designation KZ will produce an immediate association with Denmark. Our Warbirds expert Gert-Jan Mentink wrote this for you.

The next one was written by Anton Homma, and gives a very comprehensive overview of the development of The Fokker 70. Due to Fokker producing a lot of prototypes in a short amount of time, it ended up running into financial difficulties, and therefore could not built a lot of the 70. However, we still have a production list and the current fates of all Fokkers built.

Since going fully digital over five years ago we have been able to publish a lot more pictures, as we are not constraint by a physical print anymore. While we usually receive a good amount of military pictures, we lack civilian pictures at times. Therefore, if you have any good pictures of any civilian aircraft (airlines, commuters, propliners, Fokkers, bizjets and/or bizprops) we love to receive them at civupload@scramble.nl

The December 2024 edition will be available from Sunday 8 December and the deadline for photos is Tuesday 3 December.

B767-338ER 4X-ISR visited Camp Springs/Andrews AFB (MD) on 16 July 2024 and Tim Wolfe provided us with this landing shot. Used by the Israeli Government since September 2023, this was a QANTAS machine from delivery in June 2000 until being withdrawn from use in November 2013.

Latest Changes

Subscriber Content
03-11 06:34 Military Updates November 2024  
03-11 06:34 Civil News November 2024  
03-11 06:34 Soviet Updates November 2024  
03-11 06:35 Dustpan & Brush November 2024  
01-11 15:34 Wrecks & Relics November 2024  
06-10 08:11 Movements Netherlands April 2024  
07-07 08:17 Movements Belgium May 2024  
05-05 05:05 Movements Paramaribo Q1 2024  
04-08 07:44 Movements Military Elsewhere June 2024  
09-11 14:57 China Naval Aviation
08-11 20:19 China Air Force
31-10 10:34 Spain - Naval Aviation
Airfield Guide
10-11 22:26 Breda/Seppe  
07-11 23:50 Den Helder/De Kooy  
18-07 10:29 Tucson Intl - Morris ANGB  
Military Database
15-11 00:07 China
14-11 21:35 USA - Army (1948 - now)
14-11 21:35 USA - Army Air Force (1907 - 1947)
Civil Database
14-11 23:52 G-II to G650 & Peregrine 600
14-11 23:52 Twin Commander series (models 500 to 695)
14-11 23:52 Falcon 900
14-11 11:04 Akeno 2024
13-11 21:51 Jakarta (National Monument) 2024
13-11 21:29 Tokushima 2024
Other Databases
11-11 00:00 Showdates: Europe
11-11 00:00 Showdates: Rest of the World
24-10 00:00 Showdates: United Stated and Canada
06-11 18:06 Soviet Database
02-11 23:35 PH Register
18-04 15:07 Location Database
13-11 16:00 SIS Summary

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