
Force Aérienne de la République du Mali

Brief history
Mali is a huge country in north western Africa. It gained its independence from France together with Senegal in 1960. After a long stint ot totalitarian rule, a military coup in 1991 started a new era. The subsequent years saw democratically elections and two presidents serving their maximum two terms. Nonetheless, trouble started in 2012 when Touareg militias revolted. Badly handled, this uprising resulted in a military coup by dissatisfied soldiers in March 2012 and after some strenuous negotiations a temporary government was installed. Meanwhile Islamic factions imposed their law in large parts of Northern Mali only to be forced back with considerable military might from France. When the smoke cleared, democratic elections were planned again.

Most fighter and transport aircraft are of Soviet origin. Exceptions being the Air Force One B727 and sole surviving Basler BT-67 and a single BN-2. Some oddities are on the inventory too, with two Chinese Z-9 Dauphin license built helicopters, one of which survives, and a number of Tetras 912 Ultralight aircraft

Order of Battle Mali

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