Croatia France Rafale 114 LFBM 15Nov12 Jan Kraak 640Official: Croatia buys Rafale

As announced in the Scramble Magazine news item last week (21 May), the Croatian government would officially announce the winner of the fighter aircraft procurement programme on 28 May 2021, Croatia's armed forces day.

As expected, Croatia announced that they will sign a contract by the end of this year for twelve used Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace (French Air and Space Force) Dassault Rafale fighters. This number of aircraft is divided into ten single-seat and two dual-seat aircraft.

The contract, valued at 999 million euro, includes a flight simulator, basic weapons package, ground and test equipment, spare parts, training of staff and instructors, support from manufacturers for three years and a 12-month warranty for each aircraft, engine and other equipment.

Photo (just illustrative) by Jan Kraak (Scramble Archive)

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