First Yak-130s delivered to Vietnam

According to the Facebook page of the Không quân Nhân dân Việt Nam (VPAF, Vietnam People's Air Force) the first batch of Yak-130s (combat) advanced training aircraft have arrived.

This batch consisted of six Yak-130s and were delivered to Phù Cát air base. The second and last batch of six aircraft is expected to arrive several months later.

On the low quality photo we can see that one of the first the aircraft is painted in a two tone brown and dark green camouflage pattern with serial 21xx painted on the forward fuselage. One of the serials has been confirmed as 2101.

Vietnam Yak 130 serial 2101 320In 2019, Vietnam signed a USD 350 million contract to purchase at least twelve Yakovlev 130 (combat) advanced training aircraft. The new aircraft will be operated by the re-surrected 940th Regiment at Phù Cát. This unit will train pilots in preparation for future aircraft acquisition (which is rumoured to be the Sukhoi Su-35).

On 1 November 2020, Scramble Magazine reported on first VPAF Yak-130 that was noted on the assembly line. Next to the Yak-130s, the VPAF have ordered the Aero Vodochody L-39NG jet trainer and the Beechcraft T-6 Texan II trainer.

Photo via @VietDefenseVN

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