If you didn't attend the spottersday, there's not that much to complain I think. Saturday and Sunday was a "normal" airshow. The low visiblity on both days in the morning was bad luck.
However: I was present on friday and sunday and the communication on friday what to expect was very little. If there was any, it didn't reached me. Otherwise, I would have stayed till late on friday just to see Ramex Delta. With them not flying on sunday, I felt somewhat disappointend. Wouldn't mind if they skipped the PC-21. But then someone else was disappointed I guess...
About friday, all has been said and I do subscribe to most of them. About sunday for me, it's a airshow so just sit back and relax. The (at least) 20 minutes walk after the bus dropzone is on the other hand not a sample of good hospitality. I don't know the problems the organisation was facing and why they took the decision but for elderly people and kids, it was a pretty long walk.
Another surprise were the cone's being placed on sunday in front of the aircraft, apparantly to make sure the many shuttle's busses would stay on track
Although I had fun those two days, there are still some improvements to be made. I do hope the organisation ( I believed it's the same organisation as the Sanicole Air show) will take up the challenge for improvements. If there's a second Belgian air force days event that is.