Wrecks & Relics - November 2021

WR F 84 P 224 NLD Reek 26Aug21 Carlos Geurts

Dutch F-84F P-224 is one of the two F-84s still at the army base at Reek. (26 August 2021, Carlos Geurts)



PS Aero has moved their Lynx AH7 ZD282 to someone in Germany by late October. The Soviet star and serial 2506 have been removed.


221/K AB204B stored, ex Anna Paulowna   oct21

Brandweer trok er op uit om te oefenen.Hebben ze daar een lynx voor naar buiten getrokken. Na de fire training is de Lynx weer netjes opgeborgen.

Dutch navy SH-14D 274 is used by the fire fighting department at De Kooij. It is not often that this aircraft can be seen outside, it is normally locked away in a shed. (2 September 2021, Martin Uleman)




FX99 F-104G preserved 9172 oct21

On 22 October the Starfighter fuselage arrived at the private collection. It came all the way from Markham, Canada. The tail and other bits still have to come.


ST21 SF260M stored 10-21 oct21
ST27 SF260M stored 10-27 oct21

ST21 was used for a new IFR modification program. Due to poor results the project was stopped. The aircraft was not demodified and is no longer used. During heavy maintenance in 2017 serious corrosion was found on the ST27 which resulted in the grounding of the aircraft. Currently also stored are ST19, ST20 and ST25, of which ST20 is planned to fly again in 2022.


(T.12B-53) C212-100 preserved, cockpit 96 sep21

This Aviacar was destined to become YA-EHA01, but never made it further the Malta. It was stored there since April 2011. It is scrapped by Fenix Recycling and the cockpit was preserved at Finex owners house in Langdorp for some time. It has now been sold and turned into a food truck and seen at Brustem. This is however not its home base.

Kleine Brogel

LB-061 F-16AM instructional 6D-56 sep21

Former Dutch F-16 J-624 is now in use Kleine Brogel as instructional airframe.

as 'LB-061'

The Belgian Air Force uses F-16AM LB-061 as an instructional airframe. The meaning of the serial of this former Dutch J-624 is not clear. It is most likely a reference to the Lijn & Bewapening (line maintenance and armament) unit which uses hangar 61, although some say it might be a link to the Mark 61 bomb. (Kleine Brogel, 11 September 2021, Laurent Heyligen)


RS02 Sea King Mk48 OO-SEE WA832 oct21
RS04 Sea King Mk48 OO-KNG WA834 oct21

Both civil registrations are for test- and ferry flight only. OO-SEE was allocated on 12 July and OO-KNG on 13 July. They left for the Historic Helicopters at Chard - Crewkerne, UK, on 20 October.




(18) Mi-4 instructional, ex Anevo 08110 sep21

The Mi-4 is used as a training aid at the barracks of the army’s 61st Mechanical Brigade and is visible over the fence (N42.64211, E24.78971). The aircraft came from Anevo where it was incorrectly reported as having serial 37.

WR Mi 14 18 BGR Karlovo 03Jun21 Ivan Voukadinov

Not looking very spectacular, but this Bulgarian Mi-4 18 is still an interesting aircraft. It is used as instructional airframe at the barracks at Karlove and came from the nearby range at Anevo. (3 June 2021, Ivan Voukadinov)



23 MiG-23UB 20+56, preserved A1038504 aug21



Angers – Marcé (49)

(697) SV-4C F-BIRV, ex Chavenay 697 sep21

The Centre de Perfectionnement et de Voltige Aérienne, a flying school which uses only Stampes, has added one to their collection. The other ex military Stampes they use are 19/F-BUAZ, 153/F-BMMG and 1090/F-BNXD.

Bantheville (55)

(90+39) FWP149D OO-MEV, stored 53 sep21

The Piaggio is stored outside at the private airfield of Bantheville, near the Belgian border (N49.35965, E5.09686). Broussard 108/F-BNEX is still preserved at the entrance.

Bordeaux – Mérignac (33)

56 Mirage 4P preserved 56 sep21

The Conservatoire de l’Air et de l’Espace d’Aquitaine handed the Mirage over to Dassault on 4 June 2021. It is now in white colours and visible from outside at the north side of the Dassault facility.

WR MS760 73 LFBD Bordeaux 18Sep21 Chris Horst

During one weekend a year in September nearly all French museums open their gates for free for the general public. This is a good opportunity to check the Conservatoire de l’Air et de l’Espace d’Aquitaine (CAEA) collection at Bordeaux- Mérignac. MS760 Paris 73/330-DF was one of the many aircraft parked outside. (18 September 2021, Chris Horts)

Brignoles (83)

1056/DCC SA330B instructional 1056 oct21

The Sécurité Civile training area received a second Puma. They already had 1263/CPN. 1056 used to be at Camp de Satory (Versailles).

Cannes – Mandelieu (06)

444/DK CE43 F-GZDK 444 sep21

The Wassmer left Saint André de l’Eure on 8 June 2019. It now seems to be based at Cannes.

Château Thierry - Camp Cadet (02)

(1631) B47G-2 F-GFLM, ex ALAT 1631 aug21

Phyt Helicopters has been renamed Heli Light ULM and uses, besides ULM helicopters, still three Bell 47s of which only one has a military history. SV-4C 71/F-BFZN is still here at the other end of the hangars.

Châteaudun (28)

464 CM170 preserved, PdFrance c/s 464 sep21
A148/7-HN Jaguar A preserved   sep21
A159/7-HL Jaguar A preserved   sep21
367/33-TP Mirage 3RD preserved, on pole 367 sep21
55/CB Mirage 4P preserved 55 sep21
(10)/12-ZD Mirage F1C preserved   sep21
49/30-MQ Mirage F1C preserved, red tail   sep21
171 N2501RNS preserved 171 sep21
79/10-RH Super Mystere 4A stored 79 sep21
615/92-AK Vautour 2B preserved 78 sep21

Now the base has been cleared of stored the above seem to be the only ones remaining. Most are parked in one line near the CANOPEE museum, with the exception of Mirage 3RD (at gate) and the Noratlas and Super Mystere which are both next to the aero club hangar. Not all aircraft have been scrapped. India has bought 40 stored Mirage 2000s. These should include Mirage 2000C 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 16, 17, 28, 30, 82, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 103, 106, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117, 119 and Mirage 2000B 504, 505, 506, 508, 510, 512, 521, 522. All came from Châteaudun, although 504 was last seen preserved at Cazaux. Still three serials are missing.

Châteaudun (28) CANOPEE Museum

285/43-BO MH1521M preserved, ex Bordeaux 341 jul21
602 Mirage F1C preserved, ex stored   jul21

Épernay – Plivot (51)

(C.6-154)/TA-943 T-6D F-AZSC, ex Yvetot 88-15943 aug21
(41-8831)/207 PT-17 N52533, ex Bar sur Seine   sep21

The former Yvetot Harvard is now based here in one of the two green hangars, together with N2S-5 (61727)/961/N1729B. Also in this hangar is a dismantled Harvard. This is here since 2013 and said to be a NA-64 from the USA. The set of wings with this aircraft are marked F-BJBM. However F-BJBM is still flying as F-AZRD, so a wing swop has taken place. Stearman (41-8831)/N52533 is in a hangar in the other row of hangars. There are in total three Stearmans based as N2S-3 43176/N1346M is also still here.

La Ferté Alais (91)

A-91 C1131E F-AYKG, Swiss colours 2034 aug21
(4) Alouette 2 F-GEJC, stored, ex Marine 1004 aug21
(2127) Alouette 2 (F-GJEY), stored, ex ALAT 2127 aug21

Both Alouette 2s were in the ABC Helicopters hangar. In due time one will be restored using parts from the other.

WR C1 131 F AYKG LFFQ La Ferté Alais 28Aug21 Otger van der Kooij

Spanish CASA 1131E F-AYKG (ex N8TE) is a new arrival at La Ferté-Alais. The aircraft , carrying fake Swiss markings, was rebuilt in the 1990s in the USA as a Bu131 BUCKR JNGM ENS. It is the restored N433WN, which is former Spanish E.3B-433. Its identity is confirmed by its construction number 2034 on the construction plate. (28 August 2021, Otger van der Kooij)

Lille – Marcq en Bareuil (59)

L-18C F-HLOG (ex 18-1558/ALAT) was lost in a fatal crash on the airfield on 23 August 2021.

Limoges (87)

(72) MS733 restoration 72 sep21
FR113 SO1221S preserved FR113 sep21

Both aircraft are at the Les Ailes Limousines workshop in town. MS733 149/F-AZSA has been fully restored and should be flying from Cognac. The society’s Broussard, 86/F-GFMN, is flying from the airfield of Limoges – Bellegarde.

Luxeuil – Saint Sauveur (70)

4933 F-2000B stored 153 sep21
(4946) F-2000C stored 13 sep21

Both are former Brazilian Mirage 2000s bought by the French company Procor and are based here.

Lyon Corbas (69)

In Scramble 508 there was some text was missing with the Spitfire. This is marked as ML407/NL-D and is a full scale replica.

Pont sur Yonne (89)

(1635) B47G-2 (F-BOFZ), dumped 1635 sep21

The Bell is dumped in dismantled state between some containers next to a hangar at the north eastern end. The helicopter overhaul company was closed some three years ago and the Alouette 2s and Bell 47s listed in EMOOS have gone.

Salon de Provence (13)

E146 Alpha Jet stored   jun21

This Patrouile de France Alpha Jet which ran off the runway at Perpignan in 2019 and is now stored in a hangar here.

Vannes – Meucon (56)

(289) MH1521M F-GLMF, stored 345 sep21
(100) MS733 (F-BMMR), stored 100 sep21
(159) MS733 F-BNEL, restoration 159 sep21
WD319 Chipmunk T10 F-AYDC C1/0256 sep21

The first three are in the large hangar on the east side, across the public road. The Chipmunk is next door and used to be OY-ATF (based at Ringsted). MS733 61/F-BKOG is no longer here. Also the stored MS733s at the garage in the nearby village have gone.

Yvetot – Boans le Comte (76)

(40-2032) PT-18 F-AZGM 75-589 sep21

The Stearman (ex Figeac) now lives here. Also noted was Yak-3UA F-AZLY/5 white (based on LET C11 c/n 172890). The fuselage frame of LET C11 c/n 172527 has gone.

WR Mystere 33 FRA Excenevex 02Oct21 Leonard van Teeffelen

The Ailes Anciennes de Haute Savoie from Excenevex, France, is in the process of restoring Mystère 4A 33. (2 October 2021, Leonard van Teeffelen)



Bückeburg – Achum (NI)

(91+63) FWP149D instructional, as D-EABW 185 oct21

This is a former Bentlage instructional aircraft.

Celle (NI)

50+76 C-160D stored 113 aug21

The Transall arrived on 25 August 2021.

Eutingen (BW)

Sk15A 5052/D-EBUX had some engine problems shortly after is post restoration flight in 2019. It is currently stored at nearby Gaufelden waiting for a restored engine.

Hodenhagen (NI)

10+23 A310-304 stored 503 sep21

On 3 September the Airbus arrived on it last flight at Hannover. Somewhere in the next few months it will be transported to the Serengeti Park at Hodenhagen where it will be transformed in a restaurant which will be opened in the summer of 2022.

Rotenburg – Wümme (NI)

50+66 C-160D stored 103 aug21

The Transall arrived on 24 August 2021.

Speyer (RP)

(91+91) FWP149D D-EDSF, preserved 276 aug21

Not reported before but the aircraft moved from the nearby airfield to the museum.

Wega (HE)

61+11 Br1150 preserved, ex Baarlo 22 nov20

The Atlantic is preserved outside at the Krausz Logistic company (N51.13025, E 9.17565). This is the company which used to have ex Baarlo F-104G D-8212/24-63 (now at Usseln).

Wunstorf (NI)

43+13 Tornado IDS instructional GS002/4013 sep21
44+11 Tornado IDS instructional GS075/4111 sep21

Both are reported as instructional with the Ausbildungswerkstatt.




ES610 UH-1H preserved 10348 sep21

The Huey is preserved near the main gate where also U-17A ES321 and U-17A ES373 (as ES722) still are.

as '19876'

T-33A 35155 (marked as 19876/TR-876) at the Officers Club of a military beach resort at Kounoupidiana, Crete, Greece. The aircraft has been painted to commemorate the loss of the aircraft and her crew while flying for 367SEE from Souda on 29 May 1979. Killing Pilot Lt. Colonel Athanasios Bourolias and Warrant Officer Antonios Sifakis. (September 2021, Andre Wilderdijk)




1844 MiG-21bis stored, ex Pápa 75061844 aug21
1889 MiG-21bis stored, ex Pápa 75061889 aug21
2098 MiG-21bis stored, ex Pápa 75062098 aug21
2105 MiG-21bis stored, ex Pápa 75062105 aug21
02 Su-22M-4 stored, ex Pápa 52102 aug21
10 Su-22M-4 stored, ex Pápa 51610 aug21
15 Su-22M-4 stored, ex Pápa 51815 aug21

The location of the stored aircraft has been found. They are at N47.0836, E18.03128. The other aircraft here, which we mentioned in Scramble 501/502, are MiG-21bis 1867 and Su-22M-3 04 and 14. MiG-21bis 1968 and 6253 have moved on and are now at Szabadbattyán. Su-22M-4 10 is intended for Kecel, but will be restored at Kiskőrös before.


10031 Mi-2 preserved 5110031116 aug21

It is not 10029 which is in the local park at N47.47294, E19.08469, as we mentioned in Scramble 508, but 10031. 10029 is at some barracks at N47.49841, E19.11157.


8204 MiG-21MF stored, ex Szeged 968204 aug21

The MiG-21 is at a private restorer at N46.55232, E19.23996. Also here is MiG-15bis 818 which will move to Kiskőrös soon.


42 MiG-21bis stored, ex Szeged 75077729 aug21
53 MiG-21UM stored, ex Pápa 516999204 aug21
54 MiG-21UM stored, ex Pápa 516966299 aug21
906 MiG-21UM stored, ex Budaörs 516999506 aug21
1968 MiG-21bis stored, ex Balatonfüzfö 75061968 aug21
5540 MiG-21bis stored, ex Pápa 75035540 aug21
6253 MiG-21bis stored, ex Balatonfüzfö 75046253 aug21
6327 MiG-21bis stored, ex Pápa 75046327 aug21
8201 MiG-21MF stored, ex Pápa 968201 aug21
9178 MiG-21bis stored, ex Pápa 75049178 aug21
9315 MiG-21MF stored, ex Pápa 969315 aug21

All are in a yard at N47.12613, E18.38401.


712 Mi-24V preserved 220712 aug21
11 Yak-52 preserved 9411807 aug21

Both are near the control tower.

WR MiG 21 9515 HUN Hatvan 26Aug21 Erwin Alexander

Hungarian MiG-21MF 9515 heads a line of two MiG-21MFs and two MiG-21bisAPs in an open storage at Hatvan. (6 September 2021, Erwin Alexander)



Novara (NO)

MM54244/37-32 MB326E preserved, ex Padova 6330 sep21

The MB326 is now preserved with the Museo Storico Aldo Rossini on Viale delle Rimembranze (N45.44044. E8.63312).

Venaria Reale (TO)

MM80708/EI-337 AB205A-1 stored, in covers 4240 sep21
MM80713/EI-342 AB205A-1 stored, in covers 4278 sep21

The preserved aircraft, AB205A MM80451/EI-261 and AB206C-1 MM80589/EI-528 were also seen.

Eind augustus beign Septmeber was ik een een weekje in de buurt van het Garda meer in Italie,Bijgaand een paar foto's van wat ik daar zo tussendoor mee heb kunnen pakken.De RF-84 Staat ietsje ten oosten aan de zuidkant van het GardameerStaat er heel mooi bij met de cockpit open en een mooie achtergrond.

RF-84F MM54-7471 (marked as 3468/3-468) is still preserved Villa Belcamin at Bussolengo, Italy. (2 September 2021, Hilco Schigt)




MM81145 AB212AM preserved 5805 oct21
44-79587/BD L-4H 9H-CUB, ex G-LFOR 11883 sep21

The Malta Aviation Museum’s airworthy Piper Cub was believed to be the 44-79580 (c/n 11876). However it is said that this was an error in the register made 1950s when the aircraft became F-BBIN. The Piper carries its correct identity. The expected Italian AB212 arrived at the museum on a trailer on 13 October.


AS0124 Bulldog T1 instructional, ex Luqa 240 nov20

The Bulldog was transferred to the Institute of Engineering and Transport department of the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST). This should be at the main campus at Triq Kordin.



Gierloź (WMZ)

637 Lim-6R preserved 1J-0637 aug21
97 TS-11 801, preserved 1H-0801 aug21

A new museum, named Muzeum Dywizjonu 303, is being set up in a field near Gierloź, just east of Ketrzyn (N54.08135, E21.46787). The two aircraft used to be parked at the miniature park three kilometres to the east along the same road. The new museum also has An-2T SP-KTK and replicas of a Hurricane and Mustang.

AS 97Muzeum Dywizjonu 303 - Filia w Gierłoży

One of the aircraft in the collection of Muzeum Dywizjonu 303 is TS-11 801, marked as 97. ( 19 August 2021, Martin Uleman)

Kraków – Rakowice (MLP)

717 Mi-24V stored, ex Szolnok 220717 sep21

Last year Polish Mi-24s 739 and 741 were noted in the museum. They were not seen in October 2021, instead a former Hungarian aircraft is now here. The two Polish aircraft are now at Inowroclaw.

Polish Aviation Museum

In 2020 two Polish Mi-24Vs were reported as stored at the Muzeum Lotnictwa Polskiego at Kraków Rakowice. By mid-2021 these two we seen at Inowroclaw and in the museum they are now replaced by Hungarian Mi-24V 717. A month earlier this aircraft was still stored at Szolnok. (14 September 2021, Erik Sleutelberg)

Mielec (PKR)

1214 TS-11 SP-YBC, ex Lublin 3H-1214 aug21
1402 TS-11 SP-YTH, ex Góraszka 3H-1402 aug21

Both Iskras are flown by Fundacja Biało-Czerwone Skrzydła (white-red wings foundation) from the aero club side of the airfield (N50.32584, E21.44984).

Modlin (MAZ)

006 SBLim-2 SP-YNZ, ex Góraszka 1A-06006 sep21
602 Lim-2 SP-MIG, ex Góraszka 1B-00602 sep21

Both are flying from this airfield.



Boadilla del Monte

C.14-14/14-08 Mirage F1M preserved, grey c/s   sep21

(www.google.es/maps/@40.40857,-3.9003913,1673m/data=!3m1!1e3Next Friday 24th a new monument will be unveiled at the town of Boadilla del Monte, a mere 20 kilometers west from Madrid. The C.14-14 was delivered to the Spanish Air Force on 09Nov76. It spent its whole operational life with the Ala 14, first at Manises AFB (Valencia) and, later, at Albacete AFB. SOC on 31Dic05 and stored at the Maestranza Aérea de Albacete, It was not selected to be sell to Draken International. Moved to the Academia Básica del Aire (ABA) in León was recently modified by the Maestranza Aérea de Cuatro Vientos to be placed on a plinth.

On Friday 24 September Spanish Mirage F1M C.14-14/14-08 was unveiled as a monument in the town of Boadilla del Monte, a mere 20 kilometres west of Madrid (N40.40889, W3.90576). It used to be an instructional airframe at León. (19 September 2021, Paco Rivas)

Colmenar Viejo

HT.17-02/ET-402 CH-47D stored   oct21
HT.17-03/ET-403 CH-47D stored   oct21
HT.17-04/ET-404 CH-47D stored   oct21
HT.17-06/ET-406 CH-47D stored   oct21
HT.17-07/ET-407 CH-47D stored   oct21
HT.17-08/ET-408 CH-47D stored   oct21
HT.17-09/ET-409 CH-47D stored   oct21
HT.17-12/ET-412 CH-47D stored   oct21
HT.17-14/ET-414 CH-47D stored   oct21
HT.17-15/ET-415 CH-47D stored   oct21
HT.17-16/ET-416 CH-47D stored   oct21
HT.17-18/ET-418 CH-47D stored   oct21

All are stored rotor-less outside on the base in one line, with the exception of HT.17-02 which was further around the back.

Colmenar Viejo second

HA.15-33/ET-302 Bo105ATH stored S.463 oct21
HU.10-24/ET-261 UH1-H stored 12434 oct21
HU.10-41/ET-264 UH1-H stored 13292 oct21
HU.10-46/ET-220 UH1-H stored 13533 oct21
HU.10-60/ET-230 UH1-H stored, white c/s 13591 oct21
HU.10-75/ET-245 UH1-H stored 13937 oct21

The Bo105 and UH-1Hs were stored opposite of the line of Chinooks.


T.12B-39/74-75 C212-100 instructional 75 jul20

M&D Aerospacial is a technical school who has a CASA (ex Cuatro Vientos, N37.31825, W6.03074).


C.14-20/14-13 Mirage F1M preserved   oct21
E.25-29/74-45 C101EB instructional 029 oct21
E.25-50/79-33 C101EB instructional 051 oct21

The Mirage has joined the other aircraft outside the main gate. Both C101s were noted parked on the ramp.

León - Valverde de la Virgen

U.9-50/40-14 C127 preserved, ex airfield 50 jun21
E.16-70/793-41 T-6H preserved, ex airfield 168-439 oct21

The CASA is preserved at the sports complex of the Real Aero club de León near the airfield (N42.58182, W5.63650). It had arrived by September 2019. The Harvard is pole mounted since October in the village (N42.58218, W5.64156).

WR T 6 E.16 70 ESP Valverde de la Virgen 24Oct21 Hans van der Vlist

Spanish T-6G E.16-70/793-41 has served for more than 30 years as instructional airframe at León Air Base. In September 2021 the Harvard was pole mounted in splendid condition at the village of Valverde de la Virgen, which is near the main gate of the air base. (24 October 2021, Hans van der Vlist)

San Fernando

HE.7B-31/001-14 B47G-5 preserved 7884 oct21

The marine museum has moved their Bell inside the museum and gave it a new code (was 01-114).

WR MiG 21 6505 ESP Barrax 22Oct21 Hans van der Vlist

Although this Polish MiG-21MF 6506 has been at Barrax, Spain, for over twenty years, it is not often seen as it is with a private collector in a spottersproof building. (22 October 2021, Hans van der Vlist)




J-1723 Venom FB54 stored 893 aug21

The Venom is, together with a Venom FB50 of which only J-15 could be read, stored under tarpaulin at the Stecher Natustein company near the railway station (N47.12025, E8.39336).


(5029) Sk15A HB-UBK, preserved, ex Lommis 1918 aug21
(E.3B-551) C1131E HB-UVH, preserved, ex Speck 2152 aug21
(A-3) Bu131APM HB-UUY, preserved, ex Altenrhein 10 aug21
(A-4) Bu131APM HB-UUW, preserved 11 aug21
A-22 Bu131APM HB-UUM, preserved, ex Speck 31 aug21
(A-30) Bu131APM HB-UUN, preserved 41 aug21
A-32 Bu131B HB-UVZ, preserved 43 aug21
(A-56) Bu131APM HB-UVE, preserved 69 aug21
(A-60) Bu131B HB-UUR, preserved, ex Langenthal 73 aug21
A-256 Sk25 25093, HB-USA, preserved 25093 aug21
U-60 Bu133C preserved 7 aug21
U-62 Bu133C HB-MKZ, preserved 9 aug21
(U-76) Bu133C HB-MKN, preserved 23 aug21
U-288 Dewoitine D26 HB-RAE, preserved, ex Luzern 320 aug21

The new Bucker museum was opened on 3 July. The museum is still a private one, so visits must be pre-arranged via the museum website. A few of the above were noted from outside, the rest from internet photos.




05 blue An-26 instructional 0808 sep21

The Antonov is a new arrival at the Military Academy. An-2 10 white, Mi-8T 27 white and 57 white are also still present.

WR Mi 8 27 whi UKR Odessa 20Sep21 Jurgen van Toor

Ukraine Mi-8T 27 white is one of the four aircraft present on the grounds of the Military Academy in Odessa. (20 September 2021, Jurgen van Toor)


United Kingdom

Elgin, Scotland

Buccaneer S2B XW530, a long-term attraction at the Buccaneer garage, has been sold and will be going to the Scottish Deer Centre at Cupar.

Fishburn, Durham

XN458/19 Jet Provost T3 preserved PAC/W/10137 sep21

A Jet Provost arrived here for the Aircraft Restoration Group on 7 September 2021 after spending over 16 years in the garden of The Standard public house in Northallerton.

Hemswell, Lincolnshire

XP629/P Jet Provost T4 stored PAC/W/16901 sep21

A Jet Provost arrived at Hemswell Antique Centres in early September from a private owner elsewhere in the county. It will eventually be assembled and placed on display outside the Antiques & Retro Antiques outlet.

Long Kesh, Northern Island

ZG771 Tornado GR4 preserved BT056/3440 sep21

The Ulster Aviation Collection took delivery of the Tornado from storage at Boscombe Down at the end of September.

Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire

(XZ207) Lynx AH7 cabin 115 aug21
(QP30)/TAD013 Lynx Mk28 ex Qatar 028 aug21

The Defence Fire Training Unit enclave took delivery of two Lynx from MOD Lyneham on 24 August 2021.

North Weald, Essex

XZ678 Lynx AH7 preserved 244 oct21

A Lynx was trucked in from Sproughton on 13 October 2021, joining XZ179/(G-NCKS) in Hangar 4 with North Weald Heritage Aviation.

Old Sarum, Wiltshire

(XS230) Jet Provost T5 (G-VIVM) PAC/W/23907 oct21

The Boscombe Down Aviation Collection took delivery of a Jet Provost from North Weald on 7 October 2021.

Spanhoe, Northamptonshire

Chipmunk T10 WZ872/E/G-BZGB was flown in from Blackpool on 29 September 2021 to take up residence.

St Athan, Wales

WF784 Meteor T7 preserved   sep21

The South Wales Aviation Museum took delivery of a Meteor from Gloucestershire Airport on 2 September 2021.


ZE204/FC Tornado F3 preserved AS024/3255 sep21

The Tornado was officially handed over to the North East Land, Sea and Air Museums (NELSAM) in September. It had arrived on 28 June 2021 from Manston, via a short time at Boscombe Down.

RAF Syerston, Nottinghamshire

ZA267/FA Tornado F2 (9284M), instructional A02 sep21
ZA357/TTV Tornado GR1 instructional BT010/3018 sep21
ZF202 Tucano T1 preserved T27 sep21

All three aircraft of non-glider interest were confirmed in September. The Tucano is preserved at the gate, with the two Tornados in training use out on the airfield.

WR Hunter G KAXF EHLW Leeuwarden 13Aug21 Ad Jan Altevogt 2

A sharp contrast to the based F-35s is this Hunter F6A G-KAXF. The former XF515, painted as Dutch N-294, has Leeuwarden as its (summer) home base. (13 August 2021, Ad Jan Altevogt)

Credits: Patrick Dirksen, Laurent Heyligen, Chris Horst, Ronny Jansen, John Newton, Paco Rivas, Robbie Robertson, Ton van Soest, Leonard van Teffelen, Martin Uleman, Ivan Voukadinov.

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