With the prototypes already flying the Z-20J is about to enter the naval service.


In 2013 the J-15 became operational on the Liaoning aircraft carrier. By 2019 the serials changed into two-digit version.

China Navy

Balbala/Doraleh (--)

RWY 09/27H     POS 11°35'27"N 043°03'48"E     ELEV 35 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
HQ - Support Base (Djibouti)
In 2017 the Chinese Navy opened this second facility on foreign soil.

Changzhi/Wangcun (ZBCZ)

RWY 01/19     POS 36°14'56"N 113°07'35"E     ELEV 3022 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
HQ - Naval Aviation University

2nd Air Regiment JL-8 82x0x

6th Air Regiment Y-7
Maintenance Factories (military)
Maintenance Factory
In 2013 the Air Academy was reorganized with 4th Regiment (84x0x) flying with JL-8 split into 2nd Reg/Naval Aviation Academy using a new serial batch and some JL-8 going to the 1st Reg/Naval Aviation Training Base at Jiyuan using 83x0x.
December 2021 the University received three Y-9Hs.

In 2011 the Navy introduced the JL-9H for conversion training to the JH-7A, replacing the ancient JJ-6.


Changzhou/Benniu (ZSCG) 常州奔牛机场 (Danyang)

RWY 11/29     POS 31°55'10"N 119°46'41"E     ELEV 23 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
ETC - 6th Division

17th Air Regiment H-6G
ETC (Eastern Theater Command)

5th Independent Regiment H-6J 5x
The serial batch 81x1x dates from before 1993 when the unit was still named 1st Regiment. In 1993 it was reorganised into 5th Independent Regiment.
18th Rgeiment moved in June 1977 from Dachang to Yuwi and was renumbered 17th Regiment in October 1985. In 2003 5th Independent Regiment was added to the 17th Regiment.

By 2019 H-6J had arrived with 91x5 serials indicating that they were flying for the 5th Independent Regiment although no mention of its regiment number is given anymore. In 2020 the serials on the H-6J changed into two-digit serials. Whether it is based at Changzhou/Benniu needs confirmation.

The H-6G is easy recognizable with 2 hardpoints under each wing.

via China-Defense

Dalian/Tuchengzi (--)

RWY 12/20     POS 38°54'55"N 121°14'12"E     ELEV 23 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
NTC - 2nd Division

6th Air Regiment Y-8C
Before 2003 2nd Division/4th Regiment was dissolved and the H-6G/H-6DU aircraft went to 8th Regiment, leaving 1st Indep. Division with H-5 aircraft as the sole user of Tuchengzi (in addition to Laiyang).
In 2012 2nd Division started as a Specialized Division, with 1st Indep Regiment becoming 2nd Div/6th Regiment as can still be seen by the serials.
End 2018/early 2019 the Y-8Q was inducted within the Regiment

In 2013 the ELINT version of the Y-9 (Y-8JZ/GX8) started operations within the PLANAF. Around 2019 the serials were modified into two-digit codes.


Feidong (--)

RWY 04/22     POS 31°54'35"N 117°39'30"E     ELEV 177 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
PLAN Marine Corps
Marine Aviation Brigade Z-8C
In 2017 the Marine Corps was greatly expanded including the creation of an Aviation Brigade.
By 2020 the Z-8Cs used by this Brigade arrived at Zhucheng, which became available after PLAAF 14th Regiment had withdrawn its Q-5 aircraft (serials 1xx6x).
By 2022 the Brigade relocated from Zhucheng to Feidong.
The helicopters are usually relocated to the expanding fleet of 075 Class Amphibious Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) ships.

Guiping/Mengshu (--)

RWY 09/27     POS 23°19'48"N 110°00'32"E     ELEV 174 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
STC - 8th Division

23rd Air Regiment H-6DU
STC (Southern Theater Command)

1st Independent Regiment H-6J (9xx1)/xx
In 2003 the 1st Independent Regiment (serials 82x3x) was renamed 23rd Regiment. At the same time H-6G/H-6DU aircraft from 2nd Division (81x2x) were included.
Although the 3rd Division was disbanded back in 1985 the serial batch 82x3x was still used until 2018.

Huangdicun (--)

RWY 01/19     POS 40°30'00"N 120°39'26"E     ELEV 48ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
HQ - Naval Aviation University

3rd Air Regiment JL-9G
83x0x (xx)
NTC (Northern Theater Command)

21st Naval Shipborne Helicopter Regiment Z-9D
HQ - 'Carrier Air Wing'
10th Air Brigade J-15

11th Air Brigade J-15
Up to 2013 the 3rd Regiment operated HJ-5/H-5 aircraft from Xingcheng in the bomber/navigation trainer role.
The 21st Regiment was established by 2023 and is believed to operate the helicopters used on the CV-16 Liaoning carrier.

The 10th Aviation Brigade is assigned to the Fujian aircraft carrier.

The Air Wing became operational in May 2013.
The 11th Aviation Brigade is assigned to the Liaoning aircraft carrier.

The air base is also used by SAC/CFTE for test and evaluation of new carrier related flight operations.

A pair of converted Z-9Ds is used for SAR duties from the Liaoning aircraft carrier.


The Liaoning aircraft carrier is also used to house the Z-18F that is used for AEW duties with a large external antenna at the aft fuselage.


In 2014 the navy expended its ASW capabilities with the introduction of the Z-18F


In 2013 the Z-18 was introduced for passenger transport duties from the aircraft carrier.


Huangyan/Luqiao (ZSLQ) 路桥 (Taizhou)

RWY 02/20     POS 28°33'45"N 121°25'44"E     ELEV 13 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
ETC (Eastern Theater Command)

UAV Regiment BZK-005H

4th Air Brigade Su-30MK2

In 2020 the 4th Naval Aviation Brigade was activated when 10th Air Regiment flying with Su-30MKK with serials 81x4x and 12th Air Regiment flying with J-10H both flying for the 4th Division merged.
The 10th Regiment ("Sea and Air Eagle Regiment") started life in July 1954 when the 49th PLAAF regiment was transferred to the Navy. Until spring 1951 that regiment had been flying as 257th Regiment. The regiment was flying from Feidong until 2020.
The 12th Regiment had been flying J-7EH until 2010 when it converted to J-10AH.

In 2023 the 4th Air Brigade was transferred to the PLAAF and re-designated 804th Air Brigade.

In 2010 the East Fleet saw yet another boost in capabilities with the arrival of J-10AH/SH aircraft.


Huludao (--)

RWY 03L/21R, 03R/21L     POS 40°45'03"N 120°52'31"E     ELEV 31 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
HQ - Naval Aviation University

1st Air Regiment CJ-6A 81x0x
The Air Academy is also known as Flight Training Institute.

Jialaishi (--)

RWY 14/32     POS 19°41'54"N 109°43'36"E     ELEV 309 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
STC (Southern Theater Command)

8th Air Brigade J-11BGH
xx (ex 81x8x, 83x8x)
In 2020 the 8th Naval Aviation Brigade was activated when 22nd Air Regiment flying with J-11 with serials 81x8x and 24th Air Regiment also flying with J-11 both flying for the 8th Division merged.

The 22nd Regiment used to operate from Haikou-Da Yin that was surrendered to urban development. The J-11s replaced J-6 aircraft.

Until 2010 the 24th Regiment had been flying with J-7II which were replaced by J-7EH. In 2014 these were replaced by J-11s.

In 2023 the 8th Air Brigade was transferred to the PLAAF and re-designated 808th Air Brigade.

The airbase also houses a UAV Regiment (BZK-005).

Jiaozhou (--)

RWY 17/35     POS 36°19'52"N 120°01'31"E     ELEV 62 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
NTC - 5th Division

15th Air Regiment J-8FH
In 2007 the J-8E was replaced by J-8FH.
Earlier this Regiment was based on Qingdao-Liuting.
Rumour has it that this Regiment will soon move to the new-build Jimo-Huanglongzhuang AB.

Jimo-Huanglongzhuang (--)

RWY 17/35     POS 36°28'31"N 120°57'21"E     ELEV 87 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
NTC - 5th Division

15th Air Regiment J-8FH
It is believed that this 15th Regiment will transfer from Jiaozhou to this new-build airbase.

Jiyuan (--) 济源

RWY 08/26     POS 35°07'12"N 112°36'31"E     ELEV 484 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
HQ - Naval Aviation Training Base

1st Air Regiment JL-8 83x0x
In 2013 the Air Academy was reorganized with 4th Regiment (84x0x) flying with JL-8 from Changzhi/Wangcun becoming 2nd Regiment with serials 82x0x and 1st Regiment/Naval Aviation Training Base at Jiyuan with serials 83x0x.

Jiyuan is also used for Y-8 testing.

Laiyang (--) 莱阳

RWY 14/32     POS 36°57'47"N 120°35'22"E     ELEV 249 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
NTC - 2nd Division

4th Air Regiment KJ-500H
Initially the aircraft were delivered when the Regiment was still organized as 1st Indep. Regiment, hence the serials.

Ledong (--) Foluo/Northeast

RWY 04/22     POS 18°41'26"N 109°09'35"E     ELEV 583 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
STC (Southern Theater Command)

9th Air Brigade JH-7A
In August 2004 the first JH-7A's for the 27th Regiment (of the 9th Division) were noted. J-7IIs used by this regiment most probably went to the 24th Regiment. By 2020 the 27th Air Regiment was transformed into the 9th Air Brigade.

In 2023 the 9th Air Brigade was transferred to the PLAAF and re-designated 809th Air Brigade.

Liangxiangzhen (--)

RWY 04/22     POS 39°45'28"N 116°07'30"E     ELEV 167 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
Navy HQ
2nd Independent Regiment Y-7-100
In 2021 the Regiment started to use two-digit serials.
December 2022 two Y-9Hs were inducted to replace the Y-8CH.

Around 2010 the last Russian build An-26s were disposed off by the Navy.

Scramble archive

Lingshui (--) 陵水

RWY 15/33     POS 18°29'41"N 109°59'21"E     ELEV 89 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
HQ - 'Carrier Air Wing'
Air Brigade J-15 xx
STC (Southern Theater Command)

UAV Regiment EA-03 (UAV
BZK-005 (UAV)
STC - 3rd Division

7th Air Regiment KJ-500H

8th Air Regiment KQ-200/Y-8Q 82x3x
xx (outline)
It is suggested that he aircraft for the CV-17 carrier are based on this airbase
Early 2018 KJ-500H aircraft were noted in the 81x3x serial range indicating the revival of 3rd Naval Air Division (which can be a rename of the 9th Division, though that has to be confirmed). Thew first aircraft were flying with the new 7th Naval Air Regiment that was converted from the 9th Div/27th Regiment.
Y-7G and Y-8JZ followed in 2019 and 2020.
Aircraft flying for the 8th Regiment were first noted April 2019.

Meiji Jiao (--) 美济礁 (Mischief Reef)

RWY 03/21     POS 09°55'15"N 115°30'21"E     ELEV 25 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
STC - No Division
No regiment
Starting 2016 this airstrip-on-the-reef can be used for deploments of fighter regiments.

Ningbo/Zhuangqiao (--) 路桥

RWY 12/30     POS 29°55'26"N 121°34'26"E     ELEV 15 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
ETC - 4th Division

11th Air Regiment Mi-8
ETC - 6th Division

16th Air Regiment JH-7 (still?) 81x6x
ETC - 1st Division

11th Air Regiment KQ-200/Y-8Q
Before 2008 the 4th Independent Regiment changed into 11th Reg subordinate to 4th Div.
In 2017 the 16th (JH-7) Regiment moved from Shanghai/Dachang, although it is to be confirmed the type was used much longer after that.

The airbase is also used by UAVs.
Early 2018 the first Y-8Q patrol aircraft were noted at Dachang, after the 6th Division flying JH-7A had moved to Ningbo/Zhuangqiao.
In 2022 the five digit serials 82x1x for the 11th Regiment aircraft were replaced by a 2 digit code. Earlier the Regiment was known as the 1st Division/2nd Regiment.
Also, late 2022 the two Y-9H arrived.

Until the WS-13 engine became available all JH-7s were equipped with two Rolls Royce Spey engines taken from retired RAF Phantoms.

Scramble archive

Qingdao/Cangkou (--)

RWY 13/31, HEL     POS 36°09'32"N 120°23'16"E     ELEV 33 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
NTC (Northern Theater Command)

6th Naval Shipborne Helicopter Regiment Z-8J
xx (ex 9xx6)
SAR equipped SA365N replaced Z-9Cs although newbuild Z-9Cs were also added.
About 2012 the 6th Indep. Regiment was reorganized into 2nd Div/5th Regiment, but a few years later renamed in 6th Naval Shipborne Helicopter Regiment with serials changed from four digits to two.

At Cangkou also the ground school of the Naval Aviation University is located.

Like many navy Regiments the former 7th Independent Regiment is still evident from the serial numbers that had not been changed during the 2012 re-organization. Evidence was provided during a European tour of three Chinese ships with Z-9C 9317 on board of Yuncheng (571).

Harrie Kraaijeveld

Qinhuangdao/Shanhaiguan (ZBSH) 秦皇岛

RWY 06/24     POS 39°58'06"N 119°43'50"E     ELEV 30 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
HQ - Naval Aviation Training Base

2nd Air Regiment JL-9H 81x7x
NTC - Division
Unknown Regiment KQ-200/Y-8Q
July 1988 the 7th Division/19th Regiment was reorganized into PLANAF Training Base/2nd Regiment. In 2011 JL-9H replaced the JJ-6.

Qionghai/Bo'ao (ZJQH) 琼海博鳌

RWY 15/33     POS 19°08'24"N 110°27'14"E     ELEV 32 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
China Coast Guard (CCG) 中国海警 MA60H (MPA) 21cxx
STC - 3rd Division

MPA Regiment KQ-200/Y-8Q
The State Oceanic Administration was created in 2013 as part of the civilian Ministry of Land and Resources
and reporting to the State Oceanic Administration. In 2018 the SOA disappeared and the China Coast Guard became subordinate to the People's Armed Police
In 2020 the Y-8Q Regiment started to use this new civilian airport.
The airport is also used by a civilian AVIC Wing Loong-10/Wing Shandow UAV for weather surveillance.

Sanya/Yaxian (--) 三亚

RWY 06/24, HEL     POS 18°17'15"N 109°27'49"E     ELEV 26 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
STC (Southern Theater Command)

7th Naval Shipborne Helicopter Regiment Y-7G
xx (ex 9xx7)

22nd Naval Shipborne Helicopter Regiment Z-18

UAV Regiment
unit 92781
By 2012 the 7th Indep. Regiment was reorganized into 26th Regiment subordinate to 9th Division, while the serial ranga was kept at 9xx7.
By 2019 the unit became known as 7th Naval Shipborne Helicopter Regiment, after the Y-7Gs had moved to Luigshui, with serials being changed to two-digits starting in 2021.
The 22nd Regiment was established by 2023 and is believed to operate the helicopters used on the CV-17 Shandong carrier.

The UAV Regiment is located at the north western part of the air base.

The Z-8 is the main transport helicopter for all armed services Two Z-8Js were shown on board Changbai Shan (989) in Rotterdam during their European tour.

Harrie Kraaijeveld

Shanghai/Dachang (--) 上海大场

RWY 17/35     POS 31°19'28"N 121°24'34"E     ELEV 14 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
ETC - 1st Division

10th Air Regiment KJ-500H xx
In 2022 the five digit serials 81x1x for the 1st Regiment aircraft were replaced by a 2 digit code. By then, the Regiment became known as the 10th Regiment.

At Dachang also 5703 Factory is located.

Starting 2004 the Navy received 24 Su-30MK2s which until 2010 were stationed at Feidong.


Early 2015 the first operational submarine hunter Y-8Q was noted.


Shenzhen/Nantou (ZGNT)
    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
China Coast Guard (CCG) 中国海警 Z-9A 259xx

Suizhong (--)

RWY 18/36     POS 40°17'57"N 120°21'40"E     ELEV 41 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
NTC (Northern Theater Command)

7th Air Brigade JH-7A 82x7x
HQ - Naval Aviation University

Air Regiment JL-10H 88x0x
July 1988 the 7th Division/20th Regiment Qinhuangdao / Shanhaiguan got subordinated to 5th Division as 20th Regiment while keeping the serial batch 82x7x.
In 2009 Q-5 aircraft were replaced by JH-7A.
By 2011 the 20th Regiment was renamed 13th Regiment subordinated to 5th Division. (The original 13th Regiment had been subordinated to the Training Base in July 1988 as 1st regiment).
In 2013 the Regiment transferred to Suizhong at the same time the 3rd Regiment of the Naval Aviation Training Base ceased flying Q-5 aircraft from that Suizhong.

By 2023 the Regiment had been converted into 7th Air Brigade and it was transferred to the PLAAF and re-designated 807th Air Brigade.

In August 2018 twelve JL-10Hs were delivered to the Naval Aviation University at Suizhong. Whether they still operate from this base is unclear.

Triton Island (--)

RWY 09/27, HEL     POS 15°47'02"N 111°11'54"E     ELEV 0 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
STC (Southern Theater Command)

- -
Starting 2023 this small island in the Paracel archipelago has a small airstrip and can be used by small aircraft.

Unknown (--)
    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
STC - 9th Division

Regiment KQ-200/Y-8Q
Ministry of Transport
Maritime Safety Agency - Shandong office AR500
The home base of these arcraft has to be confirmed.

Xingcheng (--)

RWY 07/25     POS 40°34'48"N 120°42'00"E     ELEV 26 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
HQ - Naval Aviation University

4th Air Regiment Y-5B (wfu) 84x0x

7th Shipborne Avation Brigade Z-9CJ 9xx0

Air Regiment Z-8CJ
In 2013 the Y-5 Regiment moved from Huludao.
On 5 November 2022 the Y-5B was withdrawn from use.
Mi-8s were replaced by Z-9CJ.
In 2012 the Z-9 Regiment moved from Changzhi/Wangcun.

By 2024 the unit was also known as 7th Shipborne Avation Brigade.

The Naval Aviation University at Xingcheng operates a mix of helicopters and transport aircraft.


Xingtai/Shahe (ZBXT)

RWY 17/35     POS 36°53'00"N 114°25'45"E     ELEV 288 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
HQ - Naval Aviation University

5th Air Regiment Y-7 xx (85x0x)
Around 2013 the 2nd Regiment (82x0x) changed into the 5th Regiment (85x0x).
By 2023 the serial range 85x0x was changed into two digit codes.

Xuchang (--)

RWY 04l/22R, 04R/22L     POS 34°01'24"N 113°42'53"E     ELEV 287 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
HQ - Naval Aviation University

1st Air Regiment CJ-6A xx
The Regiment number, of this unit 91104 needs confirmation as the 1st Regiment is reported to operate from Huludao.
The airbase was used by the 2nd Regiment of the 13th Flying Academy (PLAAF) until that was disbanded in 2012. It saw a major upgrade in 2019/2020.

Yantai/Laishan (--)

RWY 04/22     POS 37°24'01"N 121°22'13"E     ELEV 56 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
NTC (Northern Theater Command)

5th Air Brigade JH-7A xx (ex 82x5x)

UAV Regiment BZK-005H
JH-7As replaced Q-5s around 2006.
By 2020 the 14th Air Regiment of the 5th Division was transformed into the 5th Brigade.

In 2023 the 5th Air Brigade was transferred to the PLAAF and re-designated 805th Air Brigade.

Yiwu (ZSYW) 义乌

RWY 02/20     POS 29°20'41"N 120°01'57"E     ELEV 262 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
ETC (Eastern Theater Command)

6th Air Brigade JH-7 82x6x
Initially this Brigade was named the 17th Air Regiment with the 9th Division, hence the "2" in the serial range.
It was renamed 18th Air Regiment, based at Shanghai-Dachang and flying J-6.
J-6s were replaced by JH-7 end 2003 and the Regiment relocated to the former Air Force Air Base near Yiwu.
Mid 2006 82x6x aircraft were still noted at Dachang however.

At or before 2020 the 18th Air Regiment was converted into the 6th Air Brigade.

In 2023 the 6th Air Brigade was transferred to the PLAAF and re-designated 806th Air Brigade.

Yonghsu Dao (--) 永暑礁 (Fiery Cross Reef)

RWY 05/23     POS 09°33'04"N 112°53'15"E     ELEV 25 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
STC - 3rd Division

7th Air Regiment (det) KJ-500H
Starting 2016 this airstrip-on-the-reef can be used for deployments of large aircraft like reconnaissance aircraft and even a complete fighter Regiment.

Yongxing Dao/Xisha (ZJYX) 永兴岛机场 (Woody Island/Sansha)

RWY 05/23     POS 16°50'03"N 112°20'44"E     ELEV 101 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
STC - 9th Division

25th Air Regiment J-11BH
In 2007 the J-8B/Ds at Lingshui were upgraded to J-8BH/J-8DH.
In 2013 J-11BH/BSH replaced the J-8s and the unit moved to Ledong, leaving the air base vacant for other activities.
April 2016 the unit moved to Yongxing Dao, although this might be on deployment only.
It is believed that in 2020 the 25th Regiment was transformed into the 9th Brigade, which in turn got subordinated to the Air Force in 2023.

The airbase is also used by UAVs (BZK-007)

Yongzhou/Lingling (ZGLG)

RWY 18/36     POS 26°20'20"N 111°36'36"E     ELEV 3616 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
STC - 3rd Division

7th Air Regiment (det) KJ-500H
Yongzhou/Lingling is used by PLAN special mission Y-8/Y-9 aircraft.

Zhoushan/Zhujiajian (ZSZS)

RWY 18/36     POS 29°56'05"N 122°21'44"E     ELEV 3 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
China Coast Guard (CCG) 中国海警 Y-12F
The unit started as China Marine Surveillance (CMS) (国家海洋局). With the creation of the State Oceanic Administration the CMS was dissolved into the Chines Coast Guard that got subordinated to the People's Armed Police in 2018.
In can be expected that the serials have changed since 2018.

The Coast Guard air assets includes a single maritime patrol aircraft, the MA60H.


Zhubi Dao (--) 渚碧礁 (Subi Reef)

RWY 03/21     POS 10°55'25"N 114°04'15"E     ELEV 25 ft

    Aircraft Type(s) Serial range
STC (Southern Theater Command)

Starting 2016 this airstrip-on-the-reef can be used for deployments of fighter regiments and also a few large transport aircraft.

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