Upgraded Bulgarian Su-25 seen in digital colourscheme!

In November 2018, the Bulgarski Voenno Vzdushnu Sili (BVVS, Bulgarian Air Force) signed a USD 85.5 million contract for the major overhaul of fourteen Su-25s by the 558th Aviation Repair Plant in Baranovichi (Belarus).

Unfortunately, the contract was downgraded from fourteen to eight aircraft (six single seat and two double seat). Only after the overhaul of the eight aircraft is completed, the Bulgarian Air Force will consider if they will send six more aircraft to Belarus for major overhaul.

The overhaul costs for the eight aircraft is calculated at USD 49 million.

Because of the strong regulations against Belarus with regards of the supply of weapons it took longer before the Su-25s could leave Bezmer by Il-76 to Baranovichi. The first one left Bezmer on 28 August 2019 and the last one on 7 October 2019. The first two upgraded Su-25s should arrive back at Bezmer on 23 September 2020 by Il-76.

Known serials with Scramble Magazine are Su-25UBK 002 and Su-25K 246 and 254. The latter two feature in these pictures.

Su 25 246 02 Su 25 246 03 Su 25 254

Photos: Rod (via Russianplanes) and Rene Sleegers

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