Russia UACUAC, Sukhoi and MiG finally merged into one company

On 1 June 2022, the Sukhoi Company and MiG Corporation were merged with PJSC United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and the corresponding entries were entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The merger of UAC, Sukhoi and MiG was approved by the Board of Directors of UAC in November 2021 and two months later the decision was validated by the shareholders of all three companies which now form the Combat Aviation division of the UAC holding.

It is not the only area of UAC activities where consolidation and centralisation of management is underway.

In November 2021, the PJSC VASO Voronezh aircraft factory, the Ulyanovsk-based JSC Aviastar-SP enterprise and the Moscow-based JSC EMZ (Myasishchev) were added to the OJSC Il (Ilyushin) business unit, primarily responsible for the development and production of transport aircraft. UAC also consolidated their strategic aviation division of PJSC Tupolev, which, in addition to the Design Bureau in Moscow, now also includes the KAZ Kazan Aviation Plant.

The reason for such large-scale moves within the UAC is mainly of the consolidation of the research and production capacities of the Russia’s military aircraft industry and unification of the solutions in order to decrease the country’s expenditures on military aviation. It was, however, quite unexpected that the position of the CEO of the newly merged division was awarded to Ilya Tarasenko, former CEO of the MiG, while Igor Ozar, CEO of the much more commercially successful Sukhoi, was dismissed.

The United Aircraft Corporation (PJSC UAC) was established in 2006 with the main goal to consolidate the assets of Russia's largest aerospace enterprises such as Sukhoi, MiG, Ilyushin, Tupolev, Yakovlev and Beryev. UAC is now part of the Rostec State Corporation, Russia’s largest industrial company which includes more than 800 scientific and industrial organisations in all key areas of activity such as aerospace, radio electronics, medical technologies and material technologies.

Photo by Fyodor Borisov /

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