Algeria Russia Su 34 issue 640Su-34s over Algeria's Martyr's Square now uncertain

On 14 March 2021, Scramble Magazine wrote about the upcoming deliveries of Sukhoi Su-34ME to the Algerian Air Force. Although we do not intend to interfere too much with international politics, a small update with regard to the expected Su-34s to Algeria seems appropriate.

While Algeria is already preparing for its 60th independence anniversary in 2022, any deliveries of Russian made Su-34s are still uncertain. This, regarding to recent statements and developments. Firstly, a senior official within Russia's Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSVTS) *) has stated that Russia will not deliver Su-34s to Algeria. At least not for now.

Secondly, almost simultaneously timed with the Russian statement, a high placed Algerian military official stated that Algeria does not tolerate foreign interference in internal affairs. This, possibly hinting at France. Scramble assesses that France is committed not to disturb the current balance of power in the region. With the advent of modern Su-34 fighters, things could turn out very differently.

At this moment it is foreseen that eventually the upgraded version of the Su-34, the Su-34M, will be embodied within the Russian Federation - Aerospace Forces (RF VKS). It is not known to us whether there is a Su-34 follow-up order, but in the past Su-34s unexpectedly rolled off the Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant production line. With the upcoming Su-34M, it would be strange to see more new Su-34s for the Russian Aerospace Forces flying out of Novosibirsk.

Contrarily, if there are some "Algerian" examples on the production line already, this would not be strange at all.

To be continued....

*) Russia's FSVTS is a federal executive body responsible for control and oversight in the field of military-technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

Photo: VVN, kindly provided by RussianPlanes.NET

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