F 15QA 1 640Qatar F-15QA starting crew training at Scott AFB 


Boeing has started to move the first of six F-15QAs to Scott AFB/Midamerica Airport (IL), for crew training. The airfield is due east of the Boeing facilities at St. Louis Lambert International Airport (MO), across the Mississippi River. St. Louis Airport is not capable of handling the multiple fighter aircraft sorties required for the training. 

F-15QA 17-0006 arrived at the civilian side (north east side) of Scott on 20 February 2021. The Qatar Advanced Eagle will be joined by more soon. The Eagles will be parked at the most northern ramp of the civil aiport under three sunshades at the left side of the ramp. Flight instructors of the US Air Force will start training the first Qatar Emiri Air Force (QEAF) flight crews soon. During the one year mission, around 1,027 sorties are planned. When the aircraft finish their sortie, pilots will fly multiple (up to four) instrument approaches before a full stop landing. The first deliveries of F-15QAs to Qatar are planned for 2021.

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