Ninth iteration Pakistan-China bilateral exercise Shaheen well underway

On 9 December 2020, the Pakistan Air Force and the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) started the bilateral exercise "Shaheen IX" at Pakistan’s newest airbase Bholari (Sindh province).

The first Shaheen (Falcon) exercise between the two countries was held in 2011. Since then it has been organised and held alternately in China and Pakistan.

Various published footages shows that the PLAAF contingent consist of Shenyang J-11BS and Chengdu J-10C fighters. The Pakistan Air Force brought the Pakistan-China jointly developed JF-17 Thunder, Chengdu F-7PG and Mirage-5 fighters to Bholari.

Strikingly, the Chinese J-10Cs did not wear any obvious serial numbers. Close examination revealed J-10C, low-visibility numbered 78082, from the 177th Air Brigade. A J-11BS could be seen with serial number 62477 and construction number 0604. Xi'an Y-20A transport aircraft 20041 and 20047 were noted acting as support aircraft.

Photos, images and information: Pakistan Air Force, Pakistan Strategic Forum, @nudelsinpita and @RupprechtDeino


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