Ivory Coast Mi 24 640New delivery for Ivory Coast

On 27 January 2021, the Force Aérienne de la Côte d'Ivoire (FACI, Ivory Coast Air Force) received a new Mi-24 variant helicopter, TU-VHT.

It was seen at Sofia International Airport, Bulgaria, awaiting further delivery to Ivory Coast.

Their entire air force is based at Base Aérienne de Abidjan-Port Bouet, where this Mil most likely will be added to Escadrille de Chasse Mamba.

Most probably, the new Mi-24 is ex Bulgarian Air Force. The FACI already have Mi-24D TU-VHS (ex Bulgarian Air Force), so looking at the registration of the latest delivery it could well be a Mi-24D too. We would appreciate confirmation of this.

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