Sweden Flygvapnet JAS39 39250 EGXC 03Jun14 Jamie Ewan 640FMV signs new Gripen support contracts

On 16 December 2022, the Försvarets materielverk (FMV, Swedish Defence Material Administration) signed a new contract with Saab regarding support and maintenance services for the Gripen. The contract, valued at USD 327 million (SEK 3,4 billion), covers the period 2023 to 2025, with options until 2027.

The new support contract replaces the previous contract from May 2017. According to Flygvapnet's (Swed AF, Swedish Air Force) Chief Jonas Wikman; the contract ensures the continued availability and maintenance of the JAS39C/D Gripen in the coming period. It covers support and maintenance services that are vital for the Gripen system and includes design and support, component maintenance, logistics services, technical system support, publications, spare parts, repairs, ground support equipment, pilot equipment and training.

Saab and FMV also signed a second contract. This contract, valued at USD 336 million (SEK 3,5 billion), ensures the continuous operation and capability enhancement of the JAS39C/D. It also includes an upgrade to Saab's latest nose radar which provides improved hunting ability and increased range. The contract runs from 2023 to 2029 with an option to add further orders for continued capability development.

According to the Scramble Magazine database, the Swedish Air Force has 96 active JAS39C/D Gripen fighters in its inventory, 73 model JAS39C single seat and 23 model JAS39D dual seat. They are operated by F7 Skaraborgs Flygflottilj at Såtenäs, F17 Blekinge Flygflottilj at Ronneby and F21 Norrbottens Flygflottilj at Luleå/Kallax. Next to these units, the Försökscentralen (FC) at Linköping/Malmen operate two JAS39Cs.

Photo by Jamie Ewan (Scramble Archive)

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