Bangladesh BAF G120TP delivery 640First G120TPs delivered to Bangladesh

Half December 2021, twelve Grob 120TPs basic training aircraft routed to Bangladesh on delivery to the Bangladesh Biman Bahinii (BAF, Bangladesh Air Force) via Iraklíon/Nikos Kazantzakis (Greece) and Aswan/International (Egypt).

The total order is said to be for 24 aircraft and deliveries should be completed in 2022.

In June 2021, Scramble Magazine reported on the deal that was signed by the Chief of Air Staff of the Bangladesh Armed Forces with the German company Grob for acquiring the new training aircraft.

Despite fairly recently acquired PT-6s, this may mean that the end of that type in BAF service is near.

The following G120TPs departed Mindelheim (Germany) on their way to Bangladesh. If you can add details on the construction numbers of the aircraft delivered and their allocated serials we would like to hear this at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

8 December; D-EZZK, D-EZZL and D-EZZP
9 December; D-EZZH, D-EZZJ and D-EZZG
12 December; D-EZZS, D-EZZR and D-EZZN
13 December; D-EZZU, D-EZZQ and D-EZZW

Photo by Shahel Farooque Sunny

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