Russia Be 6 preserved 1 640A very special way of restoration

Restoration work on the only Beriev Be-6 flying boat aircraft monument in the Russian Federation will be carried out in a very special way.

For years and years, at night and at high tide, a Be-6 has been preserved at an island near a headland in the vicinity of Gryaznaya near the settlement of Safonovo (Murmansk Region, Russia).

After defying all weather conditions the past years, a special timber restoration house with scaffolding has now been built to restore the rare Be-6, Bort number 01 red, and to prepare it for the many years to come.

At this moment its construction number is unknown to Scramble Magazine. If you have more information, please let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Beriev Be-6 is a multipurpose flying boat developed by the Central Design Bureau of Marine Aircraft Building at Aviation Plant No.31 (Beriev OKB Aircraft Company). In Soviet Navy times the Be-6 was tasked with long-range sea reconnaissance, coastal patrolling, bombing, the carrying and dropping of torpedoes, dropping troops (up to 40 people), installing minefields and transporting goods.

Eventually, with one preserved Beriev with the Antonov State Aviation Museum in Kyiv (Ukraine) and a Be-6 derative (Qing-6) preserved in the Dantangshan China Aviation Museum, this one in Russia is one of only very few Be-6s that are now preserved around the world.

Photos by Evgenia Zemskova (via VK), Oleg Podkladov and Rado51 (via Russianplanes.Net)

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