Show Reports

Edwards 1997

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Date: 18/19 October 1997

Made by:


80-0204/DM      A-10
84-0049         B-1
85-0068/ED      B-1
82-1067         B-2
82-1068         B-2
60-0004/LA      B-52
86-0014         C-5
68-10958        C-9
87-0025/ED      YC-17
92-3292         C-17
81-0892         EC-18
81-0894         EC-18
84-0118         C-21
83-0512/ED      C-23
84-0458/ED      C-23
87-0157/ED      EC-130
55-3135         NKC-135
60-0374         EC-135
61-0320         KC-135
61-2775         NC-141
61-2776         NC-141
65-0280         C-141 		"Thunderbirds" support a/c
67-0337         QF-4
741568          F-5
76-0116/ED      F-15
76-0130/ED      F-15
76-0132/ED      F-15
76-0134/ED      F-15
76-0140/ED      F-15
83-0011/FF      F-15
84-0046/ED      F-15
86-0154/ED      F-15
87-0180/ED      F-15
89-0486/SJ      F-15
93-0867         F-15     	R Saudi AF
78-0096/ED      F-16
83-1119/ED      F-16
83-1172/ED      F-16
87-0392/ED      F-16
88-0445/ED      F-16
59-0130         QF-106
78-10783/ED     F-117
78-10784/ED     F-117
94-0555/WA      RQ-1
696             RQ-2
95-2001         RQ-4
64-17971/BB     SR-71
95-0070/VN      T-1
59-0287/RA      T-37
62-3746/ED      AT-38
64-13265/BB     T-38
68-8205/ED      T-38
70-1558/ED      T-38
70-1574/ED      T-38
59-2870         NT-39
60-3478         NT-39
80-1067         U-2
911/N911NA      Boeing 747 	NASA
008             NB-52      	NASA
707/N707NA      NC-130     	NASA
837             F-15       	NASA
848             F-16XL     	NASA
843             FA-18      	NASA
852             FA-18      	NASA
831             SR-71      	NASA
164585          X-31       	NASA
85-1607         C-31       	US Army "Golden Knights"
80-23521        AH-1       	US Army
90-0196         CH-47      	US Army
69-15617/03     JUH-1      	US Army
158804/NL643    EA-6       	USN
161857/XF135    F-14       	USN
162837/XE310    FA-18      	USN
162893/XE311    FA-18      	USN
164279/113      FA-18      	USN
162292/E292     T-34       	USN
164589/WR725    AH-1       	USMC
188917          CF-188     	Canadian Forces
133165          CT-133     	Canadian Forces
133572          CT-133     	Canadian Forces
133102          ET-133     	Canadian Forces
45+96           Tornado    	GAF/TTC
Plus the F-16's of the "Thunderbirds"

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