Show Reports

Kisarazu 2009

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Date: 4 October 2009

Made by:


73427/IVATH 		AH-1S 		4 Taisensha Herik. #
32627/IHB 		OH-1 		102 Hikotai #
41706/EH,41907/EH 	UH-1H 		Tobu Homen Herik.
31305/IHB 		OH-6D 		102 Hikotai
52927/HGPIV 		CH-47J 		104 Hikotai
52965/HGPV 		CH-47JA 	105 Hikotai
43125/IHB 		UH-60JA 	102 Hikotai #
74508/SK 		AH-64DJP 	Koku Gakko Kasum.
01023/STH 		EC225LP 	Tokub. Yuso Herik.#
22015/LR, 23056/LR 	LR-1 		Renraku Teis. Hik. #
51736/IIH 		KV-107IIA-4 	pres.
8414 			SH-60K 		21 Kokutai        
8964                    UH-60J          73 Kokutai        
6902                    YS-11T          205 Kyoiku Kokutai
78-1025 		C-1 		402 Hikotai     
01-5060                 T-400 		41 Hikotai    
49-3043                 U-125 		Hiko Tenkentai
85-24451 		UH-60A 		78th Avn.

Hangar Display:
31126/I 		OH-6D 		pres
52924/HGPVI 		CH-47J 		106 Hikotai

31309/IHB 		OH-6D 		102 Hikotai                   
43129/IHB               UH-60JA		102 Hikotai                 
01022/STH               EC225LP 	Tokubetsu Yuso Herikoputatai
52903/HGPVI, 52917/- 	CH-47J 		106 Hikotai
52907/HGPVI 		CH-47J 		106 Hikotai

AH-1S of the 4 Taisensha Herikoputatai, all coded IVATH:
73412, 73248, 73436, 73444, 73476, 73490

CH-47J/JA* of the 103 Hikotai, coded HGPIII:
52904, 52908, 52914, 52961*, 52967*

CH-47J of the 104 Hikotai coded HGPIV:
52911, 52912, 52919

CH-47J/JA* of the 103 Hikotai, coded HGPV:
52910, 52925, 52954*

52930/HGPIII 		CH-47J 		103 Hikotai
# = also flying

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