Civil Database

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Search Results

In the search results the current records are shown in white, historic ones in light blue.

Airbus A300

2 records found

Updated: 2024-03-28 16:29:33

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
PP-VND A300B4-203 143 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 3 Jun 1981
PP-VNE A300B4-203 194 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 23 Jun 1982

Beech 99 & 1900

1 record found

Updated: 2024-06-02 20:00:12

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
PP-VDY Beech 99 U-4 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense Aug 1968

Boeing 707

22 records found

Updated: 2024-01-13 12:43:23

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
PP-VJT B707-341C 19322/561 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 22 Mar 1967
PP-VJS B707-341C 19321/532 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 28 Dec 1966
PP-VJR B707-341C 19320/522 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 28 Dec 1966
PP-VJX B707-345C 19842/712 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 6 Aug 1968
PP-VJJ B707-441 18694/353 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 12 Nov 1963
PP-VJB B707-441 17906/129 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 16 Jun 1960
PP-VLK B707-324C 19870/702 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 30 Mar 1972
PP-VLM B707-324C 19869/700 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 4 Sep 1972
PP-VJZ B707-345C 19841/683 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 31 Mar 1969
PP-VLL B707-324C 19871/711 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 14 Apr 1972
PP-VJY B707-345C 19840/679 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 28 Feb 1969
PP-VJK B707-379C 19822/726 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 4 Nov 1968
PP-VLI B707-385C 19433/534 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 1 Sep 1971
PP-VLO B707-324C 19350/537 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 7 Apr 1973 Wfu jun89
PP-VJA B707-441 17905/114 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 7 Jun 1960
PP-VLU B707-323C 19235/519 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 28 Mar 1974
PP-VLN B707-324C 19177/513 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 7 Apr 1973
PP-VLJ B707-327C 19106/502 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 24 Nov 1971
PP-VLP B707-323C 18940/439 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 20 Apr 1973
PP-VJH B707-320C 20008/739 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 14 Jul 1969
PP-VJS B707-341C 19321/532 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 16 Nov 1984
PP-VJB B707-441 17906/129 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense May 1961

Boeing 727

19 records found

Updated: 2024-05-31 18:18:31

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
PP-VLB B727-41 20423/810 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 70A Not taken up
PP-VLA B727-41 20422/803 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 70A Not taken up
PP-VLC B727-41 20424/817 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 70A Not taken up
PP-VLD B727-41 20425/824 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 23 Oct 1970
PP-VLH B727-41 20424/817 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 16 Oct 1970 Wfu 28sep92
PP-VLD B727-41F 20425/824 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 12 Aug 1989 Converted from B727-41 to B727-41F
PP-VLE B727-41 20426/829 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 71A Not taken up
PP-VLF B727-41 20422/803 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 10 Oct 1970 Wfu 29aug92
PP-VLG B727-41 20423/810 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 10 Oct 1970
PP-VLG B727-41F 20423/810 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 16 Sep 1989 Converted from B727-41 to B727-41F
PP-VLV B727-30C 19009/374 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 29 Dec 1979
PP-VLR B727-95 19596/479 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 30 Mar 1973
PP-VLQ B727-95 19595/467 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 30 Mar 1973 Wfu 17aug92
PP-VLT B727-95 19250/313 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 19 Feb 1974 Wfu apr92
PP-VLE B727-172C 19666/480 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 2 Apr 1973
PP-SFE B727-243F 22166/1725 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 1 Sep 2000
PP-VLS B727-173C 19508/457 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 4 Jan 1974
N129NA B727-2J7F 20880/1037 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 1 Sep 2000
PP-VLW B727-173C 19507/449 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 11 Mar 1980

Boeing 737

111 records found

Updated: 2024-06-04 20:40:54

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
PP-VOW B737-3Q8 24961/2133 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 4 Oct 1991 WFU 22jul06
PP-VOH B737-341 24279/1673 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 13 Feb 1989 WFU aug02
PP-VOG B737-341 24278/1660 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 17 Jan 1989 WFU aug02
PP-VOF B737-341 24277/1658 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 12 Jan 1989 WFU aug02
PP-VOE B737-341 24276/1645 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 7 Dec 1988 WFU 15dec02
PP-VOD B737-341 24275/1637 VARIG - Viaçao Aérea Rio-Grandense 29 Nov 1988

Maximum of 50 records reached! Please narrow your search criteria.

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