Civil Database

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Boeing 727

8 records found

Updated: 2024-05-31 18:18:31

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
PP-ITV B727-259 22476/1747 ITA Cargo - Itapemirim Transportes Aéreos 1 Apr 1995
PP-ITA B727-25 18968/223 ITA Cargo - Itapemirim Transportes Aéreos 17 Mar 1989
PP-ITV B727-259F 22476/1747 ITA Cargo - Itapemirim Transportes Aéreos Jul 1995 Converted from B727-259 to B727-259F
PP-ITA B727-25F 18968/223 ITA Cargo - Itapemirim Transportes Aéreos Aug 1990 Converted from B727-25 to B727-25F
PP-ITL B727-46F 20078/686 ITA Cargo - Itapemirim Transportes Aéreos Apr 1994
PP-ITR B727-225F 22549/1737 ITA Cargo - Itapemirim Transportes Aéreos 7 Apr 1995
PP-ITP B727-30CF 19313/411 ITA Cargo - Itapemirim Transportes Aéreos 23 Aug 1993
PP-ITM B727-173C 19507/449 ITA Cargo - Itapemirim Transportes Aéreos 13 Sep 1991

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