Civil Database

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Search Results

In the search results the current records are shown in white, historic ones in light blue.

Beech Queen/King Air & Starship

4 records found

Updated: 2024-06-15 13:01:18

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
F-GDFF Beech B200 BB-1024 Aero France International
F-GILE Beech 200 BB-311 Aero France International Mar 1989
F-GGPT Beech 200 BB-438 Aero France International 0888?
F-GGLN Beech 200 BB-439 Aero France International >0888

Fairchild (Swearingen) Merlin/Metro (long body)

2 records found

Updated: 2024-06-15 15:43:40

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
F-GMTO SA226AT AT-031 Aero France International Jul 1987 opf Meteorologique Nationale, canx. 01dec11
F-GGAF SA226AT AT-043 Aero France International 18 Aug 1986

Sud Est SE210 Caravelle

2 records found

Updated: 2024-01-19 19:50:30

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
F-BJTU SE210-10B3 189/176 Aero France International Apr 1989
F-GEPC SE210-10B3 184/194 Aero France International 21 Mar 1990 Wfu jul93

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