Civil Database

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Search Results

In the search results the current records are shown in white, historic ones in light blue.

Lockheed L-1011 Tristar

7 records found

Updated: 2024-05-27 19:59:23

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
EI-COL L-1011-1 193B-1036 Aer Turas Teoranta 5 Mar 1998 TBG Tours (Thornthon Browne Group) c/s
EI-CNN L-1011-1 193K-1024 Aer Turas Teoranta 30 Jan 1997 TBG Tours (Thornthon Browne Group) c/s
EI-CNN L-1011-1 193K-1024 Aer Turas Teoranta 15 Nov 1997 TBG Tours (Thornthon Browne Group) c/s
EI-TBG L-1011-1 193B-1030 Aer Turas Teoranta 26 Jun 1996 TBG Tours (Thornthon Browne Group) c/s
EI-CNN L-1011-1 193K-1024 Aer Turas Teoranta Jun 1998 TBG Tours (Thornthon Browne Group) c/s
EI-TBG L-1011-1 193B-1030 Aer Turas Teoranta 22 Apr 1997 TBG Tours (Thornthon Browne Group) c/s
EI-CNN L-1011-1 193K-1024 Aer Turas Teoranta 1999

McDonnell-Douglas DC-8

8 records found

Updated: 2024-06-02 20:00:12

Reg Type CN/LN Operator Date Remarks
EI-CAK DC-8-63 46121/500 Aer Turas Teoranta 31 May 1990
EI-CAK DC-8-63F 46121/500 Aer Turas Teoranta Sep 1990 Converted from DC-8-63 to DC-8-63F
EI-BNA DC-8-63CF 45989/371 Aer Turas Teoranta 1 Oct 1982
EI-BNA DC-8-63CF 45989/371 Aer Turas Teoranta 19 Sep 1989 lst Saudia - Saudi Arabian Airlines / Wfu 31jan98
EI-BNA DC-8-63CF 45989/371 Aer Turas Teoranta 1 May 1998 Canx. 23dec03
EI-CGO DC-8-63F 45924/392 Aer Turas Teoranta 25 Apr 1989
N7043U DC-8-63F 46042/421 Aer Turas Teoranta 19 Mar 1990
EI-CGO DC-8-63F 45924/392 Aer Turas Teoranta 22 Sep 1989

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