Now at maupertus RS C-130j 604/rs, 613/rs, 614/rs and 609/rs
Ec-130 15733 and 70024
C-130H 23288 and 84401
And 8 dakota's
Straight from the book so no fy's
All at the rear of the airport. Place called la Rue. Small road to the fence. No problems over there.
Spent a fantastic 30 hrs here! Lots of Dakotas and hercules were flying around for flypasses, droppings etc. Had the pleasure on flying with them on Saturday afternoon as well. Here is a log. By far not complete (I think I missed 1 herc and 1 French Navy helicopter and 1 French Navy Falcon):
6-6-2014 Cherbourg
Both the hercs and dakotas flew on and off, so didn’t mention all the times. Only the serials are mentioned ones (plus other visitors). Here we go:
97-1944 C-37B USArmy dep
84-0126 C-21A 76AS arr (dep 7th)
88-26019 UH-60A arr, dep
88-26071 UH-60A arr, dep
(89-26)165 UH-60A arr, dep