Show Reports

Hanscom 1993

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Date: 26/28 June 1993

Made by:


144606                CP-144       412sq
124406/406            CH-124A      HT-406
78-0630/MA            A-10A        131st FS MA ANG
80-0258/BC            OA-10A       172nd FS MI ANG
68-0222               C-5A         337th ALS AFRes
86-0029/SP            KC-10A       911th ARS
84-0156               C-12F        47th ALF
84-0135               C-21A        332nd ALF
84-0140               C-21A        32nd ALF
62-1832/KS            EC-130E      7th ACCS
65-0963               WC-130H      815th WS AFRes
62-3512               KC-135R      509th ARS
66-7947               C-141B       438th AW
75-0557               E-3B         964th AWACS
86-0417               E-8A         966th AWACTS
64-1041/BH            RF-4C        106th RS AL ANG
65-0931               RF-4C        173rd RS NB ANG
76-0049               F-15A        101st FS MA ANG
86-0186/LF            F-15E        461st FS
78-0056               F-16A        148th FS AZ ANG
80-0631               F-16B        148th FS AZ ANG
81-0764/FL 18         F-16A ADF    159th FS FL ANG
89-2085/SW,90-0700/SW F-16C        19th FS
69-6614/FF            UH-1N        72nd HS
69-6657               UH-1N        1st HS
91-0098               T-1A         64th FTW
57-2238/LA            T-37B        596th BS
58-1901/GR            T-37B        668th BS
60-0076/CB            T-37B        14th FTW
60-0100, 60-0122      T-37B        71st FTW
62-3640/MO            T-38A        366th Wing
67-148952/SJ          T-38A        344th ARS
67-14952/DY           T-38A        96th Wing
73-1150/RA            CT-43A       12th FTW
90-7011               C-23B        1109th AVCRAD
66-16808              UH-1H        2-126th AVN
66-18034              U-21A        79th ARCOM ARes
144841                FRA-3B       US Army Flt Test
158110/A-717          TA-4J        VT-7
159796/B-100          TA-4J        VT-22
160706/NL-622         EA-6B        VAQ-134
163404/AC-624         EA-6B        VAQ-130
158794/NL-510         A-6E         VA-52
161782/AC-602         E-2C         VAW-126
162830/NL-306         F/A-18A      VFA-97
162063/E-99           TH-57C       TW-5
162670/E-180          TH-57C       TW-5
159731/NL-701         S-3B         VS-37
158585/A-984          T-2C         VT-19
160641/E-641          T-34C        TAW-5
158040/CY-01          EA-6B        VMAQ-2
163311/NY-311         KC-130T      VMGR-452
162521/CJ-14          CH-53E       HMH-461
N917NA                T-38A        NASA Johnson

133579                CT-133       434sq
63-7834               C-130E       327th ALS AFRes
64-0495/-             C-130E       2nd ALS
63-8084               C-141B       445th AW AFRes
83-0023/FF            F-15C        94th FS
83-0039/FF            F-15C        27th FS
68-8125, 70-1952      T-38A        14th FTW
85-1607/GK-001        C-31A        Golden Knights
73-21685              UH-1H        US Army
68-15155              AH-1S        US Army
91-0261               CH-47D       ARNG
72-21318              OH-58A       US Army
86-8945               AH-64A       US Army
162854/AD-324         F/A-18A      VFA-106
161183/CJ-20          CH-53E       HMH-461
6019                  HH-60J       CGAS Cape God

Flying only Saturday:
59-1505               KC-135E      133rd ARS NH ANG
70-2413/CC            F-111F       522nd FS
86-0840/HO            F-117A       49th FW

Flying only Sunday:
56-3626               KC-135E      133rd ARS NH ANG
86-0840/HO            F-117A       49th FW

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