LOG - Sardinia 16/17 April 2008

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LOG - Sardinia 16/17 April 2008

Post by Superscouse »

Seen in Sardinia in connection with our visit to Deci for Spring Flag 2008 were the following -

16th April 2008

Alghero :
(VF-61) AB-412EP with the Vigili del Fuoco. Their other based heli (VF-63) was seen later at Abbasanta (see below).
(MM53838/SL-3) T-6H-4M pres
(MM53881/SL-46) T-6C/D pres

Abbasanta :
Noted with the Polizia di Stato (base visit here) were
PS-32 and PS-37 AB-206A-1
PS-55 AB-212. Their other based AB-212 (PS-57) was seen later at Olbia-Costa Smerelda (see below)
Visiting/temp based from Alghero was Vigili del Fuoco AB-412EP VF-63.
Noted at the separate Carabinieri heli pad down just the road in this town was (MM81041)/CC-77 AB-206B-1.

Monastir :
Derelict T-6 (reported to be MM53842 according to EMOOS 2007) was noted next to the main road SS131.

Cagliari-Elmas :
With the Carabinieri were -
(MM81132)/CC-94 A-109A-11
(MM81020)/CC-56 AB-206B-1
(MM81368)/CC-16 AB-412SP
(MM80502)/CC-31 AB-47J-3 pres
Over at the Guardia di Finanza facility on the other side of the airfield were -
(MM81052)/GF-94 NH-500MC
(MM81452)/GF-207 AB-412HP
Noted with the Atlantic overhaul facility were three Atlantics, two in the main hangar and one in the one adjoining the GdiF facility. All unfortunately were unidentified. Any help with these would be greatly appreciated.
(MM144716/86-6) S-2A pres in Atlantic area
MM54278/SST-5 MB-326 pres near aero club. The RT-33A mentioned in EMOOS 2007 appears to have gone.

Cagliari :
Preserved in the Selargius part of the city G-91R/1 MM6277/- in Frecce marks was noted.

17th April 2008

Cagliari-Elmas :
Noted at the civil terminal was HA-TCO AN-26 (formerly 208 of Hungarian AF) whilst an additional AB-206B-1 (MM81022)/CC-58 was noted with the Carabinieri.

Olbia-Venefiorita :
At the Carabinieri helipad were -
(MM81201)/CC-100 A-109A-11
(MM81045)/CC-81 AB-206B-1
(MM81515)/CC-12 and (MM81461)/CC-27 AB-412HP
(MM80413)/CC-3 AB-47J-3 pres

Olbia-Costa Smerelda :
Our visit here coincided with two events. Firstly, a "fire fighting meet". Noted in connection with this were -
I-DPCD/7, I-DPCF/23 and I-DPCI/26 CL-415 Protezione Civile
I-DPCK AW139 Protezione Civile
F-ZBFS/32 and F-ZBFW/38 CL-415 Securite Civile
F-ZBMC/73 and F-ZBMD/74 DHC-8-402 Securite Civile
F-ZBFK/(96) KIng Air 200 Securite Civile
F-ZBFC AS.350B-1 Securite Civile
2044 and 2052 CL-415 Greek AF
RF-32767 Beriev Be-31
(MM81385)/9-04 AB-412CP Guardia Costiera
(MM80712)/EI-341 AB-205A Italian Army
N163AC/738 Skycrane
(MM81052)/GF-94 NH-500MC GdiF
UD14-01/43-31 CL-415 Spanish AF (c/n 2064 carried on nose)
PS-55 and PS-57 AB-212 Polizia di Stato
VF-61 AB-412EP Vigili del Fuoco
The second event was the arrival of the Russian President Putin for a private visit. Noted in connection with this were -
RA-96012 IL-96-300PU
RA-78842 IL-76MD
RA-85645 and RA-85666 TU-154M
RA-42441 Yak-42D. This aircraft attempted to land in a very heavy thunderstorm and ran just off the end of the runway on to the grass causing the airfield to be closed whilst awaiting recovery to the terminal area. No damage apparent although I doubt if Pres Putin would have been amused :wink:
Also noted visiting was MM62212/9-01 P180 Avanti of Italian Navy. Preserved on the ramp was (MM61743)/"I-SARE" C-45F and outside a hangar was Yak-52 LY-MAX/23 (c/n 822501 according to EMOOS 2007).

Hope the above is of interest.
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