Serbian Air Force and Air Defence

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Radno Vazduhoplovstvo i protivvazdušna odbrana

Niš/Konstantin Veliki

For airdefence the Serbian Air Force operates the MiG-29 in 101. lae from Batajnica airbase.

Chris Lofting (Batajnica, April, 2023)

The J-22 Orao was a joint program of the Jugoslavian and Rumanian aircraft industry in the 80s. Serbia just operate the J-22 in 241. lbae from Kraljevo/Ladjevci airbase.

Chris Lofting (Batajnica, April, 2023)

Batajnica (LYBT)

RWY 12L/30R, 12C/30C, 12R/30L     POS 44°56'07"N 020°15'27"E     ELEV 265 ft

Air Base Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge

Teхнички Oпитни Центар
Tekhnicki Opitni Centar

Technical Test Center
TJ-2 (NJ-22)
Lasta 95 (V-54)
204. ваздухопловна бригада
204. Vazduhoplovna Brigada

(204. VB)
Aviation Brigade
101. ловачка авијацијска ескадрила
101. Lovacka Avijacijcka Eskadrila

(101. lae)
Fighter Aviation Squadron
MiG-29SM+ (L-18)
MiG-29UB (NL-18)

138. транспортна авијацијска ескадрила
138. Transportna Avijacijcka Eskadrila

(138. tae)
Transport Aviation Squadron
An-26 (T-70)
An-2TD (T-71)

252. школско-тренажна авијацијска ескадрила
252. Shkolsko-Trenazhna Avijacijska Eskadrila

(252. shtae)
Training Aviation Squadron
Kurjaci sa Ušća
Wolves of the rivermouth
G-4 (N-62)
Lasta 95 (V-54)
UTVA-75 (V-53)

890. мешовита хеликоптерска ескадрила
890. Meshovita Helikopterska Eskadrila

Mixed Helicopter Squadron
SA341 (HI-42, HN-42M)
SA342 (HN-45M, HO-45)
Mi-17V-5 (HT-49)
On August 1, 2006, the VOC (Air Force Test center) was merged into the TOC (Technical Test Center). TOC is subordinated to the Planning and Development Department J-5 of the Armed Forces General Staff.
At Batajnica air base Aeronautical Plant "Moma Stanojlović" is carrying out overhaul and upgrades of various aircraft types.

Transport tasks are carried out by 138. tae, operating An-26, PA-34-200 and the C295MW. Seen here is the sole An-26 based at Batajnica.

Chris Lofting (Batajnica, April, 2022)

The Serbian Air Force took the delivery of one of the two ordered C295MWs in October 2023 at 138. tae at Batajnica airbase.

Airbus (October, 2023)

Kraljevo/Ladjevci (LYKV)

RWY 14/32     POS 43°49'04"N 020°35'09"E     ELEV 686 ft

Air Base Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
98. ваздухопловна бригада
98. Vazduhoplovna Brigada

(98. VB)
Aviation Brigade
241. ловачко-бомбардерска авијацијска ескадрила
241. Lovacko-Bombarderska Avijacijcka Eskadrila

(241. lbae)
Fighter-Bomber Aviation Squadron
J-2 (J-22, J-22A)
TJ-2 (NJ-22)

353. извиђачка ескадрила
353. Izvidacka Eskadrila

(353. ie)
Reconnaissance Squadron
Pegaz UAV

714. противокловна хеликоптерска ескадрила
714. Protivoklovna Helikopterska Eskadrila

(714. phe)
Anti-Armor Helicopter Squadron
Mi-35M (HB-47)
Mi-35P (former Cyprus AF)
SA341 (HI-42, HN-42M, HO-42, HS-42)
SA342 (HN-45M, HO-45)

The Serbian Air Force acquired 15 H145M helicopters for observation and reconnaissance missions.

Chris Lofting (Batajnica, April, 2023)

Advanced training for fighter pilots is being done on the G-4 Galeb from 252. stae based at Batajnica.

Chris Lofting (Batajnica, April, 2023)

Niš/Konstantin Veliki (LYNI)

RWY 11/29     POS 43°20'14"N 021°51'13"E     ELEV 648 ft

Air Base Squadron Name Aircraft Type(s) Badge
98. ваздухопловна бригада
98. Vazduhoplovna Brigada

(98. VB)
Aviation Brigade
119. мешовита хеликоптерска ескадрила
119. Meshovita Helikopterska Eskadrila

(119. mhe)
Mixed Helicopter Squadron
H145M (H-50S/H-50B)
Mi-8T (HT-40)

Serbia acquired the Mi-17V-5 in 2016. Seen here is 12491 operated by 890.mhe at its home base Batajnica.

Chris Lofting (Batajnica, April, 2022)

The Serbian Air Force took the delivery of 4 Mi-35M Hind helicopters. Another 5 Mi-35Ps (from Cyprus) were transfered to Serbia in November 2023.

Chris Lofting (Batajnica, April, 2022)

Pilot training occurs on the Lasta 95 from 252. stae, based at Batajnica airbase.

Chris Lofting (Batajnica, April, 2023)

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