Show Reports

Ripley 1973

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Date: 2 June 1973

Made by: John Dyer


XW208/CE	Puma HC1 		33Sqdn                
XJ727/L         Whirlwind HAR10 	CFS             
XP350           Whirlwind HAR10 	22Sqdn D Flight   
XJ435           Whirlwind HAR 10 	32Sqdn
XP339           Whirlwind HAR 10 	32Sqdn
XN299/JWE-758   Whirlwind HAS7 	            
XV314/M         Sioux HT2 		CFS                   
XT197           Sioux AH1 		D&T Sqdn                
XT634           Scout AH1                         
XT670/AU        Wessex HC2 		72Sqdn              
XT772           Wessex HU5 		781Sqdn                
XM870/PO-652    Wessex HAS3 		737Sqdn        
XT461/XD/VL     Wessex HU5 		846Sqdn          
XV647/PO-661    Sea King HAS1 		737Sqdn      

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