Show Reports

McConnell 1996

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Date: 19 May 1996

Made by:


86-0127               B-1B         127th BS KS ANG
60-0025/LA            B-52H        20th BS
87-0028               C-5B         60th AMW
84-0191               KC-10A       60th AMW
84-0074               C-21A        457th AS
93-1038/LK            C-130H       50th AS
61-2672/OF            OC-135B      55th Wing
59-1462               KC-135R      22nd ARW
67-0164 "57 AS"       C-141B       97th AMW
75-0084/ET            F-15B        40th FTS
79-0026/TY            F-15C        1st FS
79-0030/TY            F-15C        1st FS
82-0970/FS            F-16A        184th FS AR ANG
90-0836/ET "46 OG"    F-16D        39th FTS
66-16752              UH-1H        135th AVN KS ARNG
72-21260              OH-58A       135th AVN KS ARNG
93-0644/VN            T-1A         71st FTW
57-2344/LB            T-37B        64th FTW
68-8143/RA            T-38A        12th FTW
164600/AD-106         F-14B        VF-101/Det. Mir.
156511/PR-32          EP-3E        VQ-1
162300/E-300          T-34C        TW-5
N317NT/F-17           T-39N        VT-86
N401EE                Beech 400A   Raytheon
N358CV                Ce560        Cessna Airc. Co
58-1977               T-37B        Kansas Av. Museum
0-23838               U-8F         Kansas Av. Museum
52-4296               F-86L        McConnell coll.
NL7946C               B-25N        Conf.Air Force
NX37642/51            AT-6         Tora Flight
NX60DJ/A1-101         AT-6         Tora Flight
N34KF                 T-34A        '540120'
N663DB                T-34A        '534119'

114085, 114142        CT-114       2 CFFTS
114143, +1            CT-114       CAF
86-0016               C-5B         60th AMW
74-2132/DY            C-130E       39th AS
68-15492              UH-1H        82nd MedCo
codes 1-8	      F-16	   Thunderbirds
..-..../HO	      F-117A	   nn
2x     /SJ	      F-15E	   nn, arriving

B-1Bs of 127th BS:        85-0060, 85-0080, 85-0081,
85ö0088, 86-0095, 86-0136,85-0069 (hangar), 85-0070
(hangar),86-0115 (flying),

KC-135Rs of 22nd ARW:     57-1435, 57-2605, 58-0035,
58-0036, 58-0071, 58-0118,58-0124, 58-0126, 59-1502,
59-1507, 60-0344, 60-0356,60-0362, 61-0293, 61-0305,
61-0311, 61-0323, 62-3499,62-3548, 62-3558, 63-8008,
63-8884 (flying), 64-14838 (lizard c/s)

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