Show Reports

Jacksonville 2002

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Date: 2 November 2002

Made by:


79-0146/BD		A-10A		47th FS AFRC       
85-0072/DY	        B-1B	        9th BS         
67-0167		        C-5A	        337th AS AFRC  
84-0098		        C-21A	        47th AF "47AF" 
76-0125		        F-15B	        159th FS FL ANG
00-3587/MY	        T-6A	        479th TFG      
67-22256/RA	        T-37B	        558th FTS      
70-1589/VN	        T-38A	        25th FTS       
161510/G-315	        TC-12B	        TW-4/VT-35     
165834/JV	        C-40A	        VR-58          
162802/AF-602	        E-2C	        VAW-78         
160794/AF-22	        F-5E	        VFC-13         
160763/LT-763	        P-3C	        VP-62          
...520/11	        P-3	        nn             
....../LL-30	        P-3C	        VP-30          
160125/AB-704	        S-3B	        VS-32          
164160/F-39	        T-34C	        VT-10          
6551		        HH-65A	        USCG Mobile    
1081		        MH-68A	        USCG HITRON-10 
N148CS		        P-3B	        US Customs     
N399PS		        J Provost T5A	ex UK XW372
NX766NA		        T-28D		ex 51-3766         
N3931R		        SNJ-5	        ex 84923      
N5683D/26	        L-39C	        nn		931525
N9085U		        PA-42	        US Customs    
N18926		        OV-1D	        ex 67-18926   

158865/AB-710		S-3B		VS-32
160140/AA-706	        S-3B		VS-30
160147/AG-707	        S-3B		VS-31

81-0026/FF		F-15C		71st FS     
91-0365/SW	        F-16CJ	        78th FS     
165354/WP-01	        AV-8B+	        VMA-223     
165355/WP-10	        AV-8B+	        VMA-223     
164441/NY-441	        KC-130T	        VMGR-452    
164959/EA-10	        F/A-18D	        VMFA(AW)-332
164961/EA-11	        F/A-18D	        VMFA(AW)-332
2x			AH-1W		nn		airfield attack
153318/ES-00	        CH-46E	        HMM-266     
157660/ES-07	        CH-46E	        HMM-266     
157710/ES-11	        CH-46E	        HMM-266     
....../EN-03		CH-53E		nn		airfield attack
....../EN-06		CH-53E		nn		airfield attack
151891		        TC-130G	        Blue Angels 
160600/AB-700	        S-3B	        VS-32       
160122/AB-701	        S-3B	        VS-32       
NX86FR "31201/FU-201"	F-86F	        ex 52-4959  

And finally the Blue Angels with the following F/A-18A and F/A-18B# Hornets:
161955/1	161983/2	161942/3	161946/4
161943/4#	161959/5	161963/5	161956/6

Far side:
2x			P-3		nn

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