Show Reports

Atsugi 2005

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Date: 15 May 2005

Made by:


9301			LC-90		61 Kokutai        
8273	                SH-60J	        51 Kokutai        
8402	                SH-60K	        51 Kokutai        
8979	                UH-60J	        Atsugi Kyuntai    
5060	                P-3C	        3 Kokutai         
9089	                US-1A	        71 Kokutai        
9041	                YS-11M	        61 Kokutai        
6309	                T-5	        201 Kyoiku Kokutai
159585/NF-502		EA-6B	        VAQ-136           
165860/NF-200		F/A-18E	        VFA-27            
165882/NF-102		F/A-18F	        VFA-102	spec mks  

8976			UH-60J		Atsugi Kyuntai
5015, 5087		P-3C	        3 Kokutai     
5022, 5028, 5051, 5072	P-3C	        6 Kokutai     
5038, 5088		P-3C	        51 Kokutai    
5056, 5071		P-3C	        3 Kokutai     
5079			P-3C	        nmk           
163524/NL-523		EA-6B	        VAQ-209       
165160/CW	        C-130T	        VR-54         
163698/NF-602	        E-2C	        VAW-115       
165296/NF-603	        E-2C	        VAW-115       
152704/TA-11	        UH-3H	        HSL-51        
161555/TA-703	        SH-60B	        HSL-51        
162112/TA-704	        SH-60B	        HSL-51        
163240/TA-710	        SH-60B	        HSL-51        
164814/TA-711	        SH-60B	        HSL-51        
164815/TA-712	        SH-60B	        HSL-51        
164851/TA-715	        SH-60B	        HSL-51        
165095/TA-717	        SH-60B	        HSL-51        
And the following additional Hornets:
F/A-18F VFA-102 'NF':	100, 101, 104, 112, 114, 115
F/A-18E VFA-27 'NF':	202, 203, 204, 211, 212, 214, 215
F/A-18C VFA-192 'NF':	300, 303, 306
F/A-18C VFA-195 'NF':	411, 412

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