Show Reports

Campo de Marte 2003

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Date: 26 October 2003

Made by:


2360		C-115		nm             
2473		C-130	        1°/1°GT        
8737		CH-34	        3°/8°GAv       
4851		F-5E	        1°GAvCa        
8740		VH-34	        GTE            
8762, 8783	UH-50	        1°/11°GAv      
1905		T-25C	        BAST baseflight
1385		T-27	        1°EIA          
2178		C-95	        4°ETA          
2282, 2293	C-95A	        4°ETA          
7104		P-95B	        2°/7°GAv       

Hangars (PAMA-SP):
2309		C-95B		PAMA-SP
2351		C-115		1°/9°GAv
2367, 2370	C-115 +2	nm
(4800), (4802)	F-5B		stored
(4803), (4804)	F-5B		stored
(4805)		F-5B		stored
4845, 4848	F-5E		1°GAvCa
4824, 4825	F-5E		nm
4834, 4846	F-5E		nm
4848, 4863	F-5E		nm
4864		F-5E		nm
2616		U-7A		nm (BASP)

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