Show Reports

Seymour-Johnson 2007

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Date: 12 May 2007

Made by: Scramble, Alan Cole, Barry Cooper, Stewart


80-0175/FT 		A-10A 		75th FS "75FS"
81-0967/FT              A-10A           75th FS       
60-0022/LA              B-52H           96th BS       
87-0037 		C-5B 3		37th AS AFRC   
84-0192                 KC-10A 		305th AMW     
62-1837                 C-130E 		43rd AW       
62-3509                 KC-135R 	77th ARS AFRC
87-0171/SJ 		F-15E 		333rd FS "333FS" 
87-0174/SJ              F-15E           333rd FS "4OG"   
87-0206/SJ              F-15E           334th FS "334FS" 
88-1700/SJ              F-15E           336th FS         
89-0478/SJ              F-15E           335th FS         
89-0487/SJ              F-15E           335th FS "335FS" 
89-0488/SJ              F-15E           336th FS "4FW"   
88-0439/CC, 89-2096/CC 	F-16CG 		524th FS
94-0049/SW 		F-16CJ 		55th FS "9AF"
05-4085/FF 		F-22A 		94th FS
90-00281 		AH-64A 		1-130th AVN NC NG
92-0335/RA 		T-1A 		99th FTS  
05-3798/XL              T-6A 		84th FTS  
66-8398/MY              T-38C 		479th FTG 		
68-8185/HO              T-38A 		7th CTS  
164053/AD-436 		F/A-18D 	VFA-106
164703/NE-301           F/A-18C 	VFA-151
164879/NE-312           F/A-18C 	VFA-151
165996/F-996 		T-6A 		TW-6
159364/F-25 		CT-39G 		VT-86
2133 			HU-25C+ 	CGAS Cape Cod
N1171Y 			OV-1D 		ex 62-05874
N8272M 			Jet Provost T4 	ex RAF XP567
N51874 			PT-19A 		ex 42-34033
N60634 			AT-19 		ex RN FB605
And the cockpit section of an F-4 in Blue Angels colours.

85-01608 		C-31A 		Golden Knights
72-1490/TD 		QF-4E 		82nd ATRS "82ATRS"
89-0483/SJ              F-15E 		335th FS          
89-0485/SJ              F-15E 		333rd FS          
91-0394/SW, 96-0085/SW 	F-16CJ 		55th FS
93-0554/SW 		F-16CJ 		55th FS "55FS"
85-0830/HO              F-117A 		9th FS        
84-0809/HO              F-117A 		9th FS "9FS"  
64-13261/MY 		T-38C 		479th FTG
1x 			MH-68A 		USCG
NX2146J 		Strikemaster84 	ex Singapore 310
N5259W 			O-2A 		ex 68-10831
N6840D 			A-26C 		ex 44-35911
NL10601 		P-51D 		ex 44-73843
And the Blue Angels with six F/A-18As and one F/A-18B.

N186FS "71461/FU-461" CL-13B Mk6 ex Canada 23671

4th FW ramps:
61-0313 +1 		KC-135R 	77th ARS AFRC
164763 			C-130T 		Blue Angels
87-0186/SJ 		F-15E 		4th FW no tailcolour
F-15Es of 333rd FS ’SJ’ red:
88-1680 88-1685 88-1693
F-15Es of 334th FS ’SJ’ blue:
87-0205 88-1691 88-1698 88-1702 88-1703 89-0500
F-15Es of 335th FS ’SJ’ green:
87-0189 88-1676 88-1683 88-1696 89-0471 89-0472
89-0484 89-0486 89-0493 89-0502 90-0230 90-0232
F-15Es of 336th FS ’SJ’ yellow:
88-1671 88-1675 88-1686 88-1688 89-0474 89-0489
89-0492 89-0494
F-15Es of 4th FW ’SJ’ tailcolour not noted:
87-0178 87-0180 87-0190 87-0196 87-0197 87-0200

74-0649/SJ 		F-4E 		preserved

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