Show Reports

Yuma 2008

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Date: 23 February 2008

Made by:


80-0186/DM, 81-0942/DM 	A-10C 		358th FS
61-0032/BD 		B-52H 		93rd BS
05-5144 		C-17A 		729th AS AFRC
67-21349 		O-2A 		Yuma Proving Ground
84-1396/LF 		F-16D 		62nd FS
165397/CF-06 		AV-8B 		VMA-211
165591/WL-01 		AV-8B 		VMA-311
161191 			UC-12B 		Yuma
167924/QB-924 		KC-130J 	VMGR-352
162558/QT-437 		AH-1W 		HMT-303
158269/403 		UH-1N 		HMT-303
158554/5Y-03 		HH-1N 		Yuma
153998/YT-10 		CH-46E 		HMMT-164
164787/YK-11 		CH-53E 		HMH-466
761571/LS-02 		F-5N 		VMFT-401
164733/WS-204 		F/A-18C 	VMFA-323
N850NA/850 		F-18A 		NASA Dryden

85-01608 		C-31A 		Golden Knights
88-0457/HL, 88-0533/HL 	F-16CG 		388th FW
....../WL-03 		AV-8B 		VMA-311
....../WL-21 		AV-8B 		VMA-311
166765/QB-765 		KC-130J 	VMGR-352
761589/LS-07 		F-5N 		VMFT-401
761544/LS-08 		F-5N 		VMFT-401
761554/LS-10 		F-5N		VMFT-401
....../LS-01 		F-5N		VMFT-401

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