Show Reports

Robins 2003

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Date: 07 September 2003

Made by:

Updated: 5 November 2004

79-0105/BD		A-10A		47th FS AFRC      
61-0024/LA	        B-52H	        96th BS           
86-0019		        C-5B	        436th AW          
87-0118		        KC-10A	        60th AMW          
94-0312		        C-23B	        1-171st AVN GA NG 
63-7814		        C-130E	        nmks              
98-1357		        C-130J	        135th AS MD ANG   
62-3554		        KC-135R	        99th ARS          
64-14842/OF	        RC-135V	        38th RS           
65-0225		        C-141C	        nmks              
93-0597/WR	        E-8C	        12th ACCS         
88-1677/SJ	        F-15E	        333rd FS          
75-0745		        F-16A	        travelling exhibit
64-13443/CB	        T-37B	        14th FTW          
68-10331/BB	        U-2S	        9th RW            
160436/CB-02	        EA-6B	        VMAQ-1 (BuNo confirmed)
N8272M		        Strikemaster	nn        

84-0205			C-130H		700th AS AFRC   
88-4402		        C-130H	        95th AS AFRC    
97-5304		        WC-130J	        53rd WRS AFRC   
59-1507		        KC-135R	        99th ARS        
86-0022		        C-5B	        60th AMW        
81-0026/FF	        F-15C	        71st FS         
81-0034/FF	        F-15C	        27th FS         
86-0184/ED	        F-15E	        445th FLTS      
90-0240/MO	        F-15E	        391st FS        
91-0331/LN	        F-15E	        48th FW         
84-0826?	        F-117A	        49th FW         
N104RB		        CF-104D	        ex Canada 104632
N104RD		        CF-104	        ex Canada 104850
N400LL		        T-34B	        ex 144093       
N5367G		        T-34B	        ex 140909       
codes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6	F-16C		Thunderbirds
code 4			F-16D		Thunderbirds
Plus one more F-16C of the Thunderbirds without a code.

68-0226			C-5A		137th AS NY ANG          
69-0010	                C-5A	        60th AMW                 
69-0023	                C-5A	        nmks (bare metal)        
70-0452	                C-5A	        56th AS                  
86-0025	                C-5B	        436th AW                 
95-0107	                C-17A	        437th AW	in hangar
62-1820	                C-130E	        171st AS MI ANG          
64-0537	                C-130E	        43rd AW                  
80-0321	                C-130H	        158th AS GA ANG          
65-0248, 66-0193	C-141C	        452nd AMW AFRC           
80-0009			F-15C	        33rd FW                  
80-0061/ZZ		F-15D	        44th FS                  
89-0471			F-15E	        4th FW                   
Plus about ten more Eagles, one of which carried 046 as 'last three'.

Main gate:
73-0099/WR		F-15A		preserved

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