Show Reports

Point Mugu 1977

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Date: 5/6 November 1977

Made by: Willy Metze, Peter Nicholson

Updated: 8 October 2008

F-4J Phantoms, US Navy
The test squadrons based at Point Mugu are famous for their aircraft in special colours. A very popular aircraft was the all-black Phantom with the white Playboy bunny on its tail. Less known was the all-white example. Both (153783/XF-1 and 158350/XF-5) are visible on the above picture.

Photo copyright Willy Metze

138938    74          A-3B                         PMTC 
149654    81          A-4E                         PMTC 
152853    XF21        TA-4F/J                      VX4 
149482    54          A-6A                         PMTC 
158651    NJ951       EA-6B                        VAQ129 
153177    ND515       A-7A    (NAMED 'LOBO')       VA305/CVWR30 
136712    XF/111      C-1A Trader                  VX-4
136774    XF/222      C-1A Trader                  VX-4
137890                C-121.                       PMTC 
148386    46          QF-4B Phantom                PMTC
149455    96          F-4B                         PMTC 
149471    42          QF-4B                        PMTC 
153088                YF-4S                        VX4 (BI-CEN EAGLE) 
153074    90          F-4J                         PMTC 
153783    XF1         F-4J                         VX4 
158350    XF5         F-4J                         VX4 
159451    99          F-4J Phantom                 PMTC
150297    102         DF-8L                        PMTC 
150913    107         DF-8L                        PMTC 
157983    204         F-14A                        PMTC 
.         218         F-14A                        PMTC 
159434    XF34        F-14A                        VX4 
159828                F-14A Tomcat                 VX-4
157183    NW303       HH-1K                        HAL5 
151944    12          HH-46A                       SAR FLT. 
153405    11          HH-46A                       SAR FLT. 
153406    10          HH-46A                       SAR FLT. 
152166    PG3         P-3A                         VP65 
144725    6U          S-2A                         STN.FLT. 
153551    85          OT-2B Buckeye                PMTC
155238    86          OT-2B Buckeye                PMTC
156721    87          DT-2C                        PMTC 
155980    61          T-33B                        PMTC 
156007    53          QT-33A Shooting Star         PMTC
156008    54          QT-33A Shooting Star         PMTC
156018    52          QT-33A Shooting Star         PMTC
73-1669               A-10A                        AFFTC/6512TS 
71-0282               F-15A                        AFFTC/6512TS 
52-5744   30          QF-86H                       PMTC 
.....     402         QF-86H                       PMTC 
71-20787              OH-58A                       CAL.NG 
57-7580   61          QT-33A Shooting Star         PMTC

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