Show Reports

Cosford 2000

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Date: 18 June 2000

Made by: MAR, Kevin Hall


TSR2, Cosford Air Museum
During the show at Cosford, a number of aircraft that belong to the Cosford Air Museum were placed outside, where people could enjoy them while standing in the sun instead of being in the shade of the hangar. One of the aircraft that could be photographed well is this XR220: a TSR2 and one of the most extraordinary aircraft developed in the United Kingdom. What a pity that it never came into service!

Photo: Andrew Bates

More pictures of this airshow, see f4 Aviation

276  		SH-14D  	MLD
B-70  		Bo-105CB  	Klu 299 Sqn
XX670/C 	Bulldog T.1  	Birmingham  UAS
ZD981/BI 	Chinook HC.2  	18 Sqn
ZJ241/L 	Griffin HT.1  	SARTU
ZF170  		Tucano T.1  	1 FTS
ZF242  		Tucano T.1  	1 FTS
ZH206/UM 	Vigilant T.1  	633 VGS
ZJ260  		Squirrel  HT.1  DHFS
XX481/560 	Jetstream T.2  	750 Sqn
ZH838  		Merlin HM.1  	824 Sqn
ZB676  		Gazelle AH.1  	847 Sqn
XZ612  		Lynx  AH.7  	847 Sqn

Flightline Birmingham UAS Bulldog T.1:
XX558/A, XX534/B, XX671/D, XX672/E,
XX521/G, XX559

1 SoTT  Jet Provost T.5:
As on the apron outside their hangar were:
XW301/MC, XW304/MD, XW309/ME,
XW311/MF, XW328/MI, XW330/MJ,
XW358/MK, XW360/ML, XW364/MN,
XW370/MP, XW416/MS, XW425/MV,
XW430/MW, XW432/MX.

XG 225 ( 8713M ) Hunter F.6A  ( Gate Guard )

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