Show Reports

Barton 1994

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Date: 22 May 1994

Made by:

Updated: 21 April 2000

ZB666/G		   Gazelle AH1 		670 SQN Blue Eagles
XX263(BAPC152) 	   Hawk T1 Replica 	EP&TU
XM191 		   Lightning F1A  	Nose only
330238/24-A/G-LIVH Piper L-4H Cub
G-AWJE 		   Slingsby T66 Nipper 3
G-RACO 		   PA 28 R Cherokee Arrow 200
G-IDDY 		   DHC 1 Super Chipmunk (Ex WG306)
G-MATE 		   Moravan Zlin Z 50 LX
G-OOIL  	   Jetranger  					(Pleasure Flights)
G-BMUH 		   Bensen B8MR 		(Microlight)

XR244              Auster AOP9          A.A.C  Historic Flt 	(Display) 
XP820              Beaver               A.A.C  Historic Flt 	(Display) 
WB271              Fairey Firefly AS5   			(Flypast) 
XW853              Gazelle HT2          			(Display) 
XX446              Gazelle HT2          			(Display) 
XX408              Gazelle AH1          670 Sqn Blue Eagles 	(Display) 
XZ344              Gazelle AH1          670 Sqn Blue Eagles 	(Display) 
2x		   Gazelle AH1          670 Sqn Blue Eagles 	(Display) 
XX244  		   Hawk T1 		4 FTS
XV300              Hercules C1          			(Flypast) 
XL573              Hunter T7            			(Flypast) 
XX116              Jaguar GR1           			(Flypast) 
XZ675              Lynx                 Blue Eagles 		(Display) 
XZ727/636          Lynx                 			(Display) 
RR299              Mosquito T 3 
XT626              Scout                A.A.C  Historic Flt 	(Display) 
XZ595              Sea King             			(Display) 
ZH105              Sentry AEW1          8 Sqn 			(Flypast) 
XT131              Sioux                A.A.C  Historic Flt 	(Display) 
XL814              Skeeter              A.A.C  Historic Flt 	(Display) 
LS326              Swordfish            R.N.H.F. 		(Display) 
W5856              Swordfish            R.N.H.F. 		(Display) 
ZA559              Tornado GR1          			(Flypast) 
ZF408              Tucano T1            			(Flypast) 
G-APSA             DC6                  			(Flypast) 
473877             P51 Mustang 
434602             A26 Invader 
361 (N36SF) 	   Fury FB 10 		Private
G-IITI 		   Extra EA300 		Nigel Lamb
N707TJ  	   Boeing Stearmen 	Crunchies
N5057V  	   Boeing Stearmen 	Crunchies
473877/B6-S	   Mustang P51D 	Old Crow/Private
G-AKKB 		   Miles Gemini 1a 	Jim Buckingham/Miles Duo
RG333              Miles M38 Messenger  Jim Buckingham/Miles Duo

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