Show Reports

Poznan-Krzesiny 2006

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Date: 11 November 2006

Made by: Scramble, Uli Seibicke


1403		An-26		13.eltr                  
011	        C295M	        13.eltr          
0211	        M-28TD	        13.eltr          
7837	        Mi-2Ch	        1.OSzL           
619	        Mi-8RL	        2.eltl           
728	        Mi-24V	        56.kpsb          
761	        MiG-15UTI	pres             
9351	        MiG-21UM	pres	tiger mks
114	        MiG-29		1.elt                    
049	        PZL130TC-1	2.OszL           
9409	        Su-22M-4K	7.elt	spec mks 
0203	        SW-4		1.OszL	660203           
2007	        TS-11bis	1.OSzL           
0502	        W-3RL		2.eltl                   

HAS area:
0804, 8604	MiG-21bis	std

9111		MiG-21MF	pres	spec mks
4044		F-16C		3.elt	hangar

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