Show Reports

Tateyama 2008

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Date: 12 October 2008

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48-4560 		UH-60J 		Hamamatsu Kyunantai
73467/IVATH 		AH-1S 		4 Taisensha Herik.
41896/EH 		UH-1J 		Tobu Homen Herik.
31253/IVATH 		OH-6D 		4 Taisensha Herik.
52903/HGPVI 		CH-47J 		106 Hikotai
43117/XIIH 		UH-60JA 	12 Herikoputatai
8185 			S-61A-1 	21 Kokutai
8303 			SH-60J 		21 Kokutai
8425 			SH-60K 		21 Kokutai
8972 			UH-60J 		73 Kokutai

8248, 8271, 8283 	SH-60J 		21 Kokutai
8287, 8291, 8294 	SH-60J 		21 Kokutai
8413, 8414, 8415 	SH-60K 		21 Kokutai
8979 			UH-60J 		73 Kokutai
Only SH-60J 8248 wasn’t seen flying.

8405, 8410, 8412, 8416 	SH-60K 		21 Kokutai
8186, 8187 		S-61A-1		preserved

8236 			SH-60J 		dumped
8260, 8280, 8409	SH-60J 		21 Kokutai
8411 			SH-60K 		21 Kokutai

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