Show Reports

Rivolto 1995

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Date: 1 May 1995

Made by: Scramble


MM7171/2-15           AMX          14øGr
MM54483/13            MB339A       313øGr
MM19274/1             F-86E        313øGr  preserved
MM19685/4-20          F-86E        4øSt    preserved
MM55-3080/51-85       T-33A        51øSt   preserved
MM6241/3              G91PAN       313øGr  preserved
27474/3-18            RF-84F       3øSt    preserved
36845                 F-84F        6øSt    preserved
54818/51-36           F-86K        51øSt   preserved
35795/36-68           RT-33A       36øSt   preserved
"4-41"                Vampire FB6  ex J-1170 SwissAF

MM7154/51-54          AMX          103øGr       (+7)
MM55028/2-10          AMX-T        14øGr
MM54477/9             MB339A       313øGr     (+9) +
MM54540/61-77         MB339A       61øBA
MM52-6020/46-84       C-119G       46øBA   preserved
MM6381/2-41           G91R         2øSt    preserved

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