Show Reports

Nea Anghialos 2009

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Date: 9 November 2009

Made by: Scramble


(159)640 	A-7E 		preserved
68-0318 	F-4E 		preserved
68-0412 	F-4E 		preserved
89073 		F-5A 		pres ramp (68-9073)
89077 		F-5A 		pres parking (68-9077)
6831 		F-84F 		pres parking (52-6831)
(19)448 	CL-13 Sabre II 	preserved parking scs
47781 		F-104G 		preserved (64-17781)
34916/TR-916 	T-33A 		pres parking (53-4916)
158021 		A-7E 		336 Mira static
4391 		AB205A 		358 MED SAR static
1067 		CL-215 		355 MTM static
7464 		RF-4E 		348 MTA static
064, 074 	F-16C 		341 Mira hangar
075 		F-16C 		347 Mira hangar
"88-0110" 	F-16C 		cockpit only, (fake?) hangar
117 		F-16C 		330 Mira static
003 		T-6A 		361 MEA static
PH-TXL 		Ce172P 		static

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